The Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr) is the night of worth, respect and honour. This night is so blessed that Allah Himself admires it in the Holy Quran. He revealed Surah Al-Qadr in the Holy Quran to elaborate the grandeur of this blessed night.
Meaning: Surely, We sent down the Holy Quran during the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr). And what do you think the Night of Destiny is? The Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr) is better than a thousand months (regarding blessings, reward and recompense). The angels and the Arch Angel (Gabriel) descend by their Lord’s command during this (night) with decrees concerning all matters (of blessings and bounties). This (night) is (absolute) peace and security till daybreak. (97:1-5)
Blessings of the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr)
This night holds too much blessings which are enough for the forgiveness of sins of all Muslim umma. In this night the Arch Angel comes down along with other angels and shakes hands with the people who invoke the name of Allah. Allah has hidden this night in the month of Ramadan among the odd nights of the last ten nights of this sacred month whereas He manifested Shab-e-Barat i.e. the night of forgiveness which is among the nights of virtue.
Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr) is the blessing of Allah upon Muslim umma through the mediation of the beloved Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Allah has hidden this night so that the umma continues worshiping Allah during last ten nights of Ramadan while endeavouring to find this night. Allah has declared that this night is superior to thousand months in Surah-Al-Qadr. Thousand months are equal to 83 years and 4 months. And only Allah knows how superior this night is as compared to thousand months.
Traditions about Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr)
Mauta Imam Malik
It is written in Mauta Imam Malik that when the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was told about the long ages of the nations of previous Prophets he thought while considering short ages of his people that how will they perform pious deeds equal to the previous nations. Then the Holy Prophet prayed to Allah:
“Since the ages of people of my umma will not be as long as were of the people of the previous nations. Hence, their good deeds would also be less than them.” So, to grant the wish of the Holy Prophet Allah blessed him with the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr).
A person from Children of Israel was being discussed in the sacred company of the Holy Prophet who fought in the way of Allah for thousand years. Prophet Mohammad became surprised and prayed to Allah that since the ages of people of his umma will not be as long as were of the people of the previous nations. Hence, their good deeds would also be less than them. So, to grant the wish of Prophet Mohammad Allah blessed him with the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr). (Tafsir-ul-Khazin)
Which night of Ramadan is the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr)?
There are a few traditions about it:
Ubada bin as-Samit
Once Prophet Mohammad came out of his room to inform the people about Laylatul Qadr. But there happened a quarrel between two Muslim men. Prophet Mohammad said, “I came out to inform you about (the date of) the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr). But as the quarrel started, Allah has taken away its knowledge (I forgot it) and maybe it was better for you. Now look for it in the 25th, the 27th and the 29th night of Ramadan.” (Sahih-Bukhari:49)
Some Companions related that the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr) is the 27th night of Ramadan. While some people have found it in the odd nights of Ramadan. This means that this night shifts among the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan. And this is because the umma would continue devotions to find this night.
Ayesha bint Abu Bakr
Ayesha relates that the Holy Prophet said:
“Search for the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr) in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan.” (Sahih-Bukhari: 2017)
Abu Salama
Abu Salama relates that once he went to Abu Saeed al-Khudri and asked,“Won’t you come with me to the date palm trees to have a talk?”
So Abu Saeed went with Abu Salama and he asked him, “Tell me what you heard from the Holy Prophet about Laylatul Qadr.”
Abu Saeed replied, “Once the Holy Prophet performed Itikaf (seclusion) on the first ten days of the month of Ramadan. We did the same with him. Gabriel came to him and said,
‘The night you are looking for is ahead.’
So, the Prophet performed the Itikaf in the middle (second) ten days of the month of Ramadan and we too performed Itikaf with him. Gabriel came to him and said,
‘The night which you are looking for is ahead.’
On the morning of the 20th of Ramadan the Prophet delivered a sermon saying,
‘Whoever has performed Itikaf with me should continue it. I have been shown Laylatul Qadr, but have forgotten its date. However, it is in the odd nights of the last ten nights. I saw in my dream that I was prostrating in mud and water.’
In those days the roof of the mosque was made of branches of date-palm trees. At that time the sky was clear and no cloud was visible, but suddenly clouds came and it rained. The Prophet led us in the prayer and I saw the traces of mud on the forehead and nose of the Holy Prophet. So, it was the confirmation of that dream.” (Sahih-Bukhari:813)
Ibn Umar
Some Companions of the Holy Prophet were shown in their dreams that Laylatul Qadr was in the last seven nights of Ramadan. The Holy Prophet said:
“It seems that all your dreams agree that it (Laylatul Qadr) is in the last seven nights, and whoever wants to search for it should search in the last seven nights (of Ramadan). (Sahih-Bukhari:2015)
On the Night of Destiny (Laylatul Qadr) we can gain infinite blessings and salvation. Because although Allah provides us many such opportunities but in the month of Ramadan, especially in the last ten nights the beneficence of Allah anxiously waits for the Muslim men and women. Allah wants that we should seek forgiveness so that He would forgive us.
The signs of Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadris moderate. This night is neither hot nor cold but warm.
- Rainfall can happen in this night.
- On the morning of this night the rays of the sun are reddish bright and not at all scorching.
- This night is luminous with Divine light.
- The demons are not hit by shooting stars during this night till morning i.e. meteors do not break.
- The trees fall down in prostration.
- The bitter water turns sweet.
- In this night neither the dogs bark nor do donkeys bray.
All these signs are the personal experiences of the Saints.
Dua for Laylatul Qadr
Ayesha bint Abu Bakr asked from the Holy Prophet, “Which dua should I recite if I know about Laylatul Qadr?”
The Holy Prophet said:
“O Allah verily You are the Forgiver and love forgiveness . Please forgive me.”
Concluding words:
May Allah give us the opportunity to find and achieve this night. Ameen
ہر سو جہاں میں رحمت و برکت سی چھائی ہے
اُٹھ جاؤ مومنو کہ شب ِ قدر آئی ہے
توبہ کرو گناہوں سے سجدے میں رہو تم
جو دِل میں دبے درد ربّ سے کہو تم
لگتا ہے آج جوش میں پوری خدائی ہے
اُٹھ جاؤ مومنو کہ شب ِ قدر آئی ہے
Explanation: The blessings and benedictions are spread around the world. O true believers rise and see Laylatul Qadr. Repent from your sins and prostate before Allah. Talk to your Lord about the discomforts of your heart. It seems like the whole creation is excited. O true believers rise and see Laylatul Qadr.
Laylatul Qadr is the night of rewards equal to thousand months in which the angels descend with infinite blessings for the umma of Prophet Mohammad.
FAQs about the Laylatul Qadr
Which night is Laylatul Qadr?
According to some traditions Laylatul Qadr lies in the last ten nights of Ramadan while according to some other traditions it in the last seven nights. However it is confirm that it is the odd night among last ten nights of Ramadan.
Why is the 27th day of Ramadan so important?
Because most of the traditions and sayings of Saints give a clue that the Night of Destiny i.e. Laylatul Qadr is the 27th night of Ramadan and reward of the devotions which are performed in this night is more than thousand months.
Is Laylatul Qadr the 27th night of Ramadan?
Most probably it is. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman quotes in his book The Spiritual Reality of Saum:
“Abi Bin Ka’ab, Ibn-e-Abbas, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Imam Abu Hanifa and most of the exegetes and scholars have consensus that it is the 27th night of Ramadan. Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi states that Laylatul Qadris the 27th night of Ramadan. He interprets in his book Tafseer Azizi on page 259:
The word Laylatul Qadr comprises of nine letters according to its Arabic alphabets. This word occurs in Surah al-Qadr for three times. If we multiply three with nine, we get 27 as an answer. This concludes that Laylatul Qadr is the 27th night of Ramadan. Moreover, Surah al-Qadr has thirty words. The 27th word points towards Laylatul Qadr. So, it is a gesture from Allah Almighty for wise people and Saints that Laylatul Qadr the 27th night of Ramadan.
Ending Note:
This blog is English translation of an Urdu article of the magazine “Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr Lahore” for the month of May 2020. The title of the Urdu article is:
Shab-e-Qadr (شب ِ قدر ). Originally penned by Memoona Asad Sarwari Qadri from Lahore is presently in English by Zainab Moghees Sarwari Qadri, exclusively for websites.
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