Impact of Rage | And How to Control it

Impact of Rage | And How to Control it

Impact of Rage Allah did not create anything in the universe without purpose or benefit. Similarly, human emotions (happiness, sadness, love, sincerity, rage) also have meaning and purpose. However, these can cause harm only if worldly love reaches an extreme. The...
Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy is eternal and for everyone; being regretful at sins and looking as mercy at what may come to you in the guise of punishment.

The Difference between Sufism and Monasticism

The Difference between Sufism and Monasticism

Sufism is different from monasticism. Sufism is based on Quran and Sunna. Allah says in Quran: Then in the footsteps of these Messengers, We sent (other) Messengers and We sent ‘Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary) after them and gave him the Injil (the...
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