Trust in Allah and Submission to Divine Will
Submission to Divine will and trust in Allah is an attribute of believers. On the path of Faqr (Sufism) success depends on continuous effort and trust in Allah.

Love and Reverence for the Righteous
Love and Reverence for the Righteous Every human has love in its existence, love connects man to Allah. Allah has adorned all the realms with His treasures in the love of his creation. It is only His love that even if he commits many sins, when he bows before Allah,...
Spiritual powers and Authority of Fakirs (Saints)
The saints (Fakirs) are the pious men of Allah. Allah blesses them with spiritual powers and authority but they keep themselves in hiding.
Syed Bahadur Ali Shah’s love for Sultan Bahoo
Syed Bahadur Ali Shah’s love for Sultan Bahoo Faqr is my pride and Faqr is from me. Holy Prophet The blessing of Faqr is the eternal destiny of pure and chosen people whom the Holy Prophet himself appoints as his outward and inward successor. As per the orders of the...The Status of Sultan ul Faqr – In Light of Teachings of Sultan Bahoo
Sultan ul Faqr is the Saint who has accomplished Faqr in its entirety. Faqr is a special spiritual rank and a marvel which has nothing in its comparison.