Pir Bahadur Ali Shah

Pir Bahadur Ali Shah

Dive into the timeless spiritual teachings of Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah, a visionary spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order whose influence continues to shape the traditions of Faqr. Known for his deep connection with Ism-e-Allah Zaat, Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah taught...
The Power of Gratitude in Islam

The Power of Gratitude in Islam

The Power of Gratitude in Islam Eternal praise and gratitude belongs to Allah, who is the Creator, Master, and Sustainer of the universe. When He bestows upon His servant, He does so without reminding them of His favor, and when He withholds, even in that, there is...
Poetry in Honour of Sultan Bahoo

Poetry in Honour of Sultan Bahoo

28th Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri Order, Shahbaz-e-Arifaan Sultan Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi al-Mashhadi wrote poetry in honour of Sultan Bahoo from Alif الف (first letter of Arabic alphabet) to yey ی (last letter of Arabic alphabet). There are thirty...
Types of Dreams in the Light of Spirituality

Types of Dreams in the Light of Spirituality

Sleeping is an expression of rest and peace of mind. When man gets tired after a day of hard work he sleeps at night for rest and peace. Then his soul separates from his physical body and wanders the angelic realm. It is also called the realm of metaphorical forms...
Malice and Hatred: The Demise of Inner Peace

Malice and Hatred: The Demise of Inner Peace

Do you also find yourself grappling with feelings of malice or hatred? These emotions can quietly seep into our hearts, causing unrest and discontent. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by negativity, but understanding the roots of these feelings can help you reclaim...


Innovation is a natural process, a basic principle of life and the essence of the soul. Modernity encourages people in every era to develop new ways and means to make their lives easier and better. If we turn the pages of history, it is evident that humanity has been...
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