The Eternal Enemy of Man


Satan is mankind’s greatest enemy, working tirelessly to lead people astray. His deception is subtle yet powerful, influencing thoughts, desires and actions in ways many fail to recognize. Understanding how he operates is crucial for safeguarding faith and resisting his influence. This article uncovers Satan’s tactics, his enmity toward humanity and the ways to protect oneself from his whispers and temptations.

From the beginning, Satan’s arrogance and jealousy caused his downfall. When Allah commanded the angels to bow before Adam (AS), Satan refused, considering himself superior. This defiance led to his expulsion from divine mercy and in retaliation, he vowed to misguide mankind until the Day of Judgment. His enmity is not limited to a single individual—it extends to all of humanity, seeking to divert humans from the path of righteousness.

Satan’s methods of deception are insidious. He implants whispers in the inwards of people, making sins appear attractive while discouraging acts of worship and obedience. He exploits human weaknesses such as arrogance, greed, or lust to manipulate individuals into disobedience. The Quran describes how Satan misled Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS) by falsely promising them immortality and divine knowledge, ultimately causing their expulsion from Paradise. This same strategy continues today—he distorts perceptions, justifies wrongdoing and blinds people to the consequences of their actions.

His influence is especially dangerous because he operates through the Nafs-e-Ammara (the lower self), which naturally inclines toward evil. The combination of internal desires and external whispers makes his deception even more effective. Many people unknowingly become his victims, thinking they are making their own choices while, in reality, they are being subtly led toward destruction. As the end times approach, his influence will intensify and faith will become increasingly difficult to uphold. According to a Hadith, a time will come when people will neither recognize goodness nor reject evil, falling completely into Satan’s trap.

Despite his relentless efforts, protection against Satan is possible. The key lies in spiritual purification and unwavering faith. Seeking refuge in Allah, engaging in Zikr (invocation of Allah), and following Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (the straight path) are essential for safeguarding oneself. The Quran repeatedly emphasizes the importance of seeking divine protection, as Satan has no power over those who are truly devoted to Allah. Moreover, having the guidance of the perfect spiritual guide can help believers stay firm in their faith and resist Satan’s influence.

This article sheds light on the unseen battle between good and evil, revealing how Satan operates and how to counter his deception. By recognizing his tactics and strengthening one’s connection with Allah, individuals can safeguard their faith and avoid falling into his traps. Understanding these spiritual realities is essential for anyone seeking to remain on the path of righteousness and attain ultimate success in both this life and the hereafter.

The Eternal Enemy of Man

“Satan” is an Arabic word used for anything extremely rebellious and disobedient, whether it be a human, jinn, or even an animal. However, since jinn are naturally more defiant, the term is primarily associated with them. The Quran mentions one particular jinn who once worshiped Allah alongside the angels but refused to obey when commanded to prostrate before Adam. Instead of complying, he openly defied Allah and demanded respite until the Day of Judgment, vowing to lead humanity astray and prove that most of them would turn away from Allah’s obedience.

Allah, in His divine wisdom, accepted this challenge and granted Satan life until the Day of Judgment. In the Quran, this rebellious jinn is referred to as “Iblis” and “Satan.” Since he has been given an extraordinarily long life, which he has chosen to spend entirely in disobedience and defiance of Allah, no other creation can match his level of arrogance and rebellion. This is why he is commonly known as Satan, the ultimate symbol of defiance against divine command.

In the Quran, the term “Satan” is also used for rebellious and defiant humans and jinn. Allah says:

“And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy—devils from mankind and jinn—who whisper to one another adorned words as delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.”


Similarly, in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 14, Allah states:

“And when they meet those who believe, they say, ‘We have believed.’ But when they are alone with their devils, they say, ‘Indeed, we are with you; we were only mocking.’”


Among all of Allah’s creation, the most rebellious, disobedient, and defiant is Iblis, also known as the “Greatest Satan” (Satan-e-Akbar). This is why the term “Satan” is most commonly used for him, and in general understanding, it primarily refers to Iblis himself.

Human Devils and Jinn Devils


Human devils refer to those individuals who, despite being humans like us, follow the path of Satan through rebellion, defiance, and distancing themselves from the truth. Their actions align with the will of the great Satan and directly oppose divine commandments. When acts of oppression and evil are committed not by satanic humans but by jinn, they are referred to as jinn devils.

Just like humans, jinn also exist in different categories—some are righteous and faithful, while others follow the path of Satan, becoming rebellious, disobedient, and disbelievers. As stated in the Holy Quran:

“And among us are those who have submitted (to Allah), and among us are those who have deviated from the right path. And those who have submitted (to Allah)—it is they who have sought the right course. But as for those who deviated, they will be firewood for Hell.” (72:14-15)

Not All Jinn Are Devils

 It is important to understand that not all jinn can be called devils. Only those jinn who are extremely rebellious, wicked, and disobedient to Allah Almighty are referred to as Satan. This distinction highlights that while some jinn follow the path of righteousness, others align themselves with evil and become Satan’s followers.

This raises an important question: What is the difference between Satan the Great (Iblis)—who is mentioned in the story of Adam and Iblis in multiple places in the Quran as an individual—and other jinn?

Iblis: The Origin of Satan

Iblis belongs to the species of jinn, but he chose the path of disobedience and rebellion against Allah. Due to his arrogance and refusal to submit to divine command, Allah granted him life until the Day of Judgment. From that moment onwards, his sole purpose became leading humans astray from the path of righteousness.

Unlike other jinn, Iblis can never be a believer or a Muslim. Because of his persistent disobedience and enmity toward Allah’s guidance, he was given the title Satan. Furthermore, since he lost all hope in Allah’s mercy and was permanently deprived of Paradise, he was also named Iblis, which means “the one who has despaired.”

This distinction sets Iblis apart from other jinn—while some jinn can be righteous, Iblis is eternally condemned, and his mission is to misguide humanity.

The Creation of Jinn from Fire

The Quran provides clear evidence that jinn were created from fire. In Surah Ar-Rahman, Allah states:

“And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire.” (55:15)

Similarly, in Surah Al-Hijr, it is mentioned:

“And the jinn We created before from scorching fire.” (15:27)

Furthermore, in Surah Al-Kahf, Allah says:

“And [mention] when We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam,’ and they prostrated, except for Iblis. He was of the jinn and departed from his Lord’s command. Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange.” (18:50)

eternal enemy - satan

These verses collectively highlight that jinn, including Iblis, were created from a form of fire, distinguishing their origin from that of humans.

The Purpose of Satan’s Creation

Allah created Satan as a means of testing His servants—to see who chooses the satanic path of disobedience and who remains steadfast in obedience to Allah. This test distinguishes the righteous from the misguided.

Allah has neither forced humans to follow the path of guidance nor given Satan the power to compel people into misguidance. Instead, every individual has been granted free will to choose between right and wrong. Satan can only tempt, whisper, and deceive but he cannot forcibly lead anyone astray. It is ultimately up to each person to resist Satan’s influence and remain committed to the path of righteousness.

The Reality of Satan’s Power and Strength

Since Allah created Satan for a specific purpose, He also granted him the necessary tools to fulfill his mission. This ensures that Satan cannot claim he was powerless in his task of misleading humans. However, despite these abilities, Satan’s power is not absolute—he can only influence those who allow themselves to be deceived.

The powers and abilities granted to Satan include:

  • Invisible to Humans: Satan cannot be seen by the human eye, making his influence more deceptive.
  • Ability to Whisper Evil Thoughts: He has the power to instill negative and sinful ideas into people’s inwards.
  • Ability to Enter Human Bodies: Satan can infiltrate the human body to manipulate and mislead individuals.
  • Making Evil Appear Attractive: He can present sinful actions as appealing and desirable to lure people away from righteousness.
  • Extraordinary Speed and Mobility: Satan possesses immense speed and the ability to travel freely across vast distances.

Despite these abilities, Satan has no real control over humans. His influence only affects those who allow themselves to be swayed by his whispers. True believers, who seek refuge in Allah, remain protected from his deception.

Where Does Satan Reside?

Satan, known as Iblis, does not dwell among humans. Instead, his abode is over the waters, from where he dispatches his followers to mislead people. Occasionally, for significant missions, he personally enters the field, but primarily, he oversees and directs his subordinates.

This understanding is supported by narrations found in Sahih Muslim:

“Jabir reported that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (for creating dissension); the nearer to him in rank are those who are most notorious in creating dissension.”

(Sahih Muslim 7105)

Jabir reported that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (for creating dissension); the nearer to him in rank are those who are most notorious in creating dissension. One of them comes and says: I did so and so. And he says: You have done nothing. Then one amongst them comes and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between a husband and a wife. Satan goes near him and says: You have done well. (Sahih Muslim 7106)

Abu Sa’id reported that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) met Ibn Sayyad, accompanied by Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, on some of the roads of Madina. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said to him: “Do you bear testimony to the fact that I am the Messenger of Allah?” He (Ibn Sayyad) said: “Do you bear testimony to the fact that I am the messenger of Allah?” Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “I affirm my faith in Allah and in His Angels and in His Books.” Then he (Allah’s Messenger ﷺ) asked him: “What do you see?” He (Ibn Sayyad) said: “I see a throne over the water.” Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “You are seeing the throne of Iblis upon the sea. What else do you see?” He (Ibn Sayyad) said: “I see two truthful ones and a liar or two liars and a truthful one.” Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Leave him, he has been confounded.” (Sahih Muslim 7346)

The Reality of Satan’s Power and His Offspring

Satan’s objective is to mislead every human being; however, Satan himself does not accompany each individual personally. Instead, his offspring and other rebellious jinn assist him in this mission. Each person is accompanied by a personal devil, known as a Qareen, who is a rebellious jinn assigned to incite sinful behavior and disobedience to Allah. This influence manifests not as physical harm but as temptations leading to sin and defiance against Allah.


Every Human Has a Companion Jinn

Abdullah ibn Masood (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“There is none among you except that a companion from the jinn and a companion from the angels has been assigned to him.”

The companions asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Is this the case with you as well?”

The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, “Yes, but Allah has helped me against him, so he has submitted (to Islam), and now he only advises me towards good.” (Mishkat al-Masabih, Hadith 67)

This hadith highlights that every human being is accompanied by a jinn and an angel. The jinn, also referred to as the Qareen, constantly attempts to mislead a person towards evil, whereas the angel inspires goodness. However, the Qareen assigned to the Prophet Mohammad (ﷺ) was made submissive by the divine help of Allah and could not misguide him.

The Beginning of Satan’s Enmity with Humans

Satan’s enmity towards humans began at the highest level of creation, and it manifested in two aspects.

First Aspect: Due to Jealousy

In “Teachings and Quotes of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen,” the perfect spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman explains jealousy as follows:

 “Jealousy is the foremost spiritual ailment and sin that manifested from Satan. He was jealous of Prophet Adam as Adam was blessed with the Divine Trust. Satan became rebellious and disobedient and refused Allah‟s commandment to prostrate to Prophet Adam. Thus, he was rejected from Allah‟s court. His rank of the teacher of angels was confiscated and his title was changed from Azazil, the teacher of angels to Iblis and Satan and is considered the first among the jealous.

While the angels obeyed and prostrated to Adam, Satan, despite having the ability, refused and arrogantly said, ‘I am better than him; You created me from fire, and You created him from clay.’” (7:12)

Furthermore, Satan said:

“Tell me, is this the one You have honored above me? If You grant me respite until the Day of Judgment, I will surely uproot his descendants, leaving only a few.” (17: 62)

Satan’s Arrogance and Defiance Against Allah

With utmost audacity and arrogance, Satan questioned Allah, saying, “When I am superior, why have You honored him above me?” In this statement, he not only expressed jealousy towards Adam (AS) but also attempted to justify his defiance through flawed reasoning. By using his own logic to oppose Allah’s command, he exhibited both arrogance and rebellion—qualities that are utterly unacceptable to Allah.


”(Allah) said, ‘Then get down from here! It is not for you to be arrogant here. So get out! Indeed, you are of the disgraced.’”(7:13)

When the accursed Iblis realized that Adam (AS) was the reason for his downfall, he became vengeful and began plotting against him. He started searching for opportunities to mislead Adam (AS) and to understand how he had been granted such an exalted status over him.

Second Aspect: Whispering Evil

When Allah placed Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Hawwa (AS) in Paradise, He allowed them to enjoy all the fruits of paradise except for one specific tree. As a test, they were commanded not to go near it.

When Iblis learned of this, he saw an opportunity and began whispering evil suggestions to them. He persistently tried to mislead them into eating from the forbidden tree, urging them towards disobedience so that they would defy Allah’s command and fall into wrongdoing. Satan exerted immense effort in this deception, perhaps more than he had ever done before. He realized that unless Adam and Hawwa (AS) transitioned from their spiritual existence to a mortal state, his mission would not succeed.

With every failure, Satan’s thirst for vengeance intensified. This reveals a significant truth: emotions are never constant; external factors can either amplify or suppress them. Fueled by his increasing frustration, Satan resolved to take his deception to the extreme, devising a scheme so cunning that Adam and Hawwa (AS) would find it nearly impossible to resist. His relentless persuasion eventually led to their mistake—eating from the forbidden tree.

“Then Satan whispered evil suggestions to them so that he might reveal to them what was hidden from them of their private parts, and he said, ‘Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree lest you become angels or become immortal.’” (7:20)

Satan’s Deception: False Promises and Lies

Satan deceived both Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS) by convincing them that Allah had forbidden them from eating from the tree because doing so would turn them into angels—granting them divine qualities and perfection.

A fundamental trait of human nature is curiosity. When something is prohibited, instead of recognizing that the restriction is for their own benefit, humans often develop an even stronger desire for it. Satan exploited this weakness by presenting an immense reward before Adam (AS), redirecting his thoughts toward the supposed benefits of eating from the tree. However, due to his deep consciousness of Allah, Adam (AS) did not immediately give in.

However, Satan never gives up when it comes to misleading humans. He remains persistent and relentless in his deception. When Adam (AS) hesitated, Satan used his final trick—swearing a false oath to make his lie appear true.

“And he swore to them, ‘Indeed, I am your sincere well-wisher.’” (7:21)

Satan’s Betrayal and His Eternal Deception

By swearing a false oath in the name of Allah, Satan committed an extreme act of deceit and hypocrisy, portraying himself as a well-wisher while secretly plotting against Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS).

From the very beginning, Satan’s mission has been to lead our great ancestor astray, causing their expulsion from Paradise. However, his enmity was not limited to Adam (AS) alone; rather, it extends to all of humanity. First, he deceived Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS) into leaving Paradise. Now, his ultimate goal is to mislead all of their descendants—diverting them from the path of paradise and dragging them toward Hell.

Allah Almighty warns us in the Holy Quran:

“O children of Adam! Let not Satan put you to trial, as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their garments to expose their private parts. Surely, he and his tribe watch you from where you cannot see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who disbelieve.” (7:27)

In this verse, Allah once again cautions all of humanity against Satan’s schemes and deceptions. The same strategy he used to expel Adam (AS) from paradise is what he will continue to use to misguide their children. A jealous and arrogant enemy will stop at nothing to lead mankind astray, crossing every limit in his deceitful conspiracies.

Thus, Allah has declared Satan’s deception as a test for humanity:

“O children of Adam! Let not Satan tempt you, just as he brought your forefather out of paradise.”

How Does Satan Whisper?

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

”(Say, ’I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the Sovereign of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil of the lurking whisperer who whispers into the hearts of people—whether from among the jinn or mankind.)” (Surah An-Nas)

The term “waswasa” refers to a hidden, subtle whisper, as Satan plants his evil suggestions in an extremely discreet and imperceptible manner. This is why he is called “Al-Waswas” (the whisperer).

Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) explained:

“Satan clings to the human heart. The moment a person becomes heedless or forgetful, he immediately whispers evil thoughts. However, when the person remembers Allah, Satan retreats.”


Satan’s Strategy of Whispers

Satan’s method is deceptive and persistent. Whenever a person engages in the remembrance  and invocation of Allah, Satan withdraws—which is why he is also called “Khanas” (the one who slinks away).

When Khanas tries to incite a person towards evil—especially something against their natural disposition—their initial reaction is strong rejection. The person feels disgusted and dismisses the thought immediately. At this stage, Satan does not insist; instead, he withdraws temporarily.

However, he never truly gives up. After waiting for an opportunity, he whispers the same evil thought again. If the person still rejects it with displeasure, Satan backs off once more—only to return at a later time. This cycle continues.

Gradually, the person’s resistance weakens. What once seemed repulsive now starts to feel acceptable. Eventually, a day comes when the person who once strongly opposed the thought now willingly embraces it.

This is Satan’s key strategy: he tirelessly works to mislead humans without ever growing weary. He continuously switches between attacks and retreats, persistently targeting even the wisest and most intelligent individuals. If a person is not under Allah’s protection, Satan can completely overpower them.

This cunning approach is why Allah describes his tactics using both terms “Waswas” (whisperer) and “Khanas” (one who slinks away).

Satan’s Whisper Leads to All Sins and Disobedience

Satananic whispers are the root cause of all sins and acts of disobedience against Allah. This whispering is an internal evil that resides within a person and is directly linked to their own free will.

Thus, a person is responsible for protecting themselves from these whispers because Satananic whispers alone cannot cause harm—unless the person accepts it willingly and acts upon it.

Allah Almighty describes Satan’s deception in the Quran:

“And Satan will say (to his followers) when the matter will have been decided: ‘Verily, Allah made you a true promise, and I (too) made you a promise, but I did not fulfill it. And I had no authority over you except that I called you (towards error) and you obeyed me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your rescue, nor can you come to mine. I certainly deny your associating me as a partner with Allah in the past. Surely, there is a grievous torment for the wrongdoers.’” (14:22)

Satan Swore to Misguide Humans

Satan has taken a solemn oath to mislead mankind, as mentioned in the Quran:

“(Iblis) said: ‘Since You have led me astray, I will certainly sit in ambush for them on Your straight path. Then I will most certainly approach them from their front and from their rear, and from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them grateful (to You).’” (7:16-17)

Satan’s Endless Enmity Toward Humanity

Satan’s enmity towards mankind has no limits—neither in this world nor in the Hereafter. However, his hostility can be categorized into different forms.

First Type: Personal Enmity Against Every Human

Satan’s hostility towards a person begins from the moment they are born and continues until their last breath. As stated in a hadith:

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘No child is born but that Satan pricks him at birth, so the child cries because of the touch of Satan, except for Maryam (Mary) and her son (Isa/Jesus).’” (Sahih al-Bukhari 3431)

 Satan remains with a person throughout their life, constantly seeking ways to mislead them until their soul departs from their body.

Second Type: General Enmity for the People of the End Times

In the end times, Satan will succeed in leading everyone astray, and there will come a time when not a single true Muslim will remain on the face of the earth.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

“Then only the worst of people will remain. They will be as careless as birds and as fierce as beasts. They will neither recognize any virtue nor condemn any evil. At that time, Satan will appear to them in human form and ask, ‘Do you not feel ashamed?’ They will ask, ‘What do you command us to do?’ He will order them to worship idols. They will comply, and during that time, their sustenance will be abundant, and their lives will be prosperous. Then, the Trumpet will be blown (signaling the Day of Judgment).” (Sahih Muslim 7381)

The Wisdom Behind Granting Satan Respite Until the Day of Judgment

Allah Almighty says:

“Iblis said, ‘My Lord, grant me respite until the Day when people will be resurrected.’ Allah said, ‘You are granted respite until the appointed time.’” (38:79-81)

There are several divine wisdoms behind allowing Satan to exist until the end of time:

  • A Test for All Nations: The purpose is to test and trial humanity so that the righteous and the wicked can be distinguished. If Satan had been eliminated, this divine test could not have been fulfilled.
  • Accumulation of His Sins: By allowing Satan to continue, his sins increase, making his punishment more severe and ensuring that he receives the penalty he truly deserves.
  • His Role in Leading Criminals: Satan is given the opportunity to act as the leader of evildoers, exerting authority over them. Allah Almighty says:

“He (Satan) has no power over those who believe and rely upon their Lord.”  (16:100)


Satan’s Oath to Mislead Humanity

When Allah cast Satan away from His mercy, Satan swore by Allah that he would lead all people astray, except for those whom Allah had chosen and protected with His divine command.

“Satan said, ‘By Your might, I will surely mislead them all, except for Your chosen servants among them.’” (38:82-83)

To misguide people, Satan adopts different strategies based on each individual’s nature and weaknesses. The methods he uses to lead humans astray include:

  • Whispering evil thoughts (Waswasa)
  • Causing forgetfulness
  • Making false promises and creating false hopes
  • Instilling fear and doubt
  • Beautifying sinful acts
  • Obstructing people from following Allah’s path
  • Commanding disobedience
  • Encouraging intoxication and gambling
  • Sowing discord among believers
  • Causing people to slip into sin
  • Creating doubts and misconceptions
  • Using love for wealth, women, and worldly pleasures as a trap
  • Seeking help from human devils (those who promote corruption)
  • Making people lazy in following religious obligations
  • Finding ways to influence a person’s inner self (Nafs)
  • Teaching sorcerers and fortune-tellers
  • Leading people astray through deceptive speech
  • Interfering in their wealth and children

Satan’s Influence on Human Desires

Allama Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah writes in his book “Ighathat al-Lahfan”:

“Satan circulates in the human body like blood until he finds a connection with the Nafs (self). He investigates what the sself desires most. Once he identifies its weakness, he exploits it to misguide the person, taking control through that very weakness. Satan also teaches his human allies that if they want to manipulate others for corrupt purposes, they should approach them through the desires and weaknesses they hold dearest. This strategy ensures success, as approaching from other doors may lead to rejection and failure.”

Thus, all evil originates from Satan, and the greatest sin is Shirk (associating partners with Allah) and disbelief, which ultimately leads to enmity with Allah and His Messenger. The final consequence of such deviation is eternal punishment in Hell.

Satan and the Nafs-e-Ammara

The Nafs-e-Ammara (commanding self) is considered one of Satan’s most powerful allies. Both Satan and Nafs-e-Ammara are the greatest enemies of a human being, which is why the Quran explicitly declares Satan as a “clear and open enemy” to mankind.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Your greatest enemy is your own self.”

The reason why self is the most dangerous enemy is that it operates in secrecy. An external enemy or a thief cannot harm a person unless aided by this internal, hidden enemy. This internal enemy—the self—is Satan’s closest confidant, continuously feeding him with information about human desires and weaknesses. In turn, Satan whispers evil suggestions that encourage sinful temptations. Over time, under Satan’s influence, a person gradually becomes a member of Satan’s army, completely enslaved to his own desires.

The Only Protection from Satan and Nafs-e-Ammara


The only way to escape the traps of Satan and self is by following the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (the Straight Path). This path is none other than the Faqr-e-Mohammadi, which leads to the Divine Knowledge, Closeness, and Vision of Allah.

Walking on this path is impossible without the guidance of the perfect spiritual guide. The purification of the self and the cleansing of the heart can only be achieved through the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat (the personal name of Allah).

In the present era, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the Perfect Spiritual Guide of the time. He grants seekers the blessing of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, both with and without formal pledge of allegiance.

By attaining this great spiritual blessing, you can protect yourself from the deceptions of Satan and succeed in the court of Allah.

prevention from satan


This is an English translation of Urdu blog انسان کا ازلی دشمن that appeared in the March 2025 issue of monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr Magazine. Ms. Noreen Sarwari Qadri authored the original article. Zuhaa Fatima Sarwari Qadri has translated it in English.

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