Dive into the timeless spiritual teachings of Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah, a visionary spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order whose influence continues to shape the traditions of Faqr. Known for his deep connection with Ism-e-Allah Zaat, Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah taught how to transcend worldly desires and embrace divine wisdom. His legacy is carried forward by disciples like Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, and Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, who spread the transformative power of Faqr to thousands across generations.
In this article, we explore the profound spiritual practices and miraculous events that marked Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah’s life. His simple yet powerful lifestyle was the epitome of devotion and selflessness, and his teachings continue to guide followers today. From the sacred Urs Mubarak to the powerful experiences of his disciples, Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah’s shrine has become a beacon of spiritual enlightenment and divine grace.
Learn about how Amanat-e-Faqr was passed through the generations, from Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz to Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali and now to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, who continues to share the blessings of Ism-e-Allah Zaat with the world. This article uncovers the essence of the Faqr, how it thrives today, and how Sultan Bahadur Ali
Shah’s followers continue to unlock the divine secrets of the universe.
Ready to explore the legacy of one of the greatest spiritual masters in history? Read on and uncover the timeless teachings of Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah and the continuing path of Faqr.
Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Pir Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi Al-Mashadi is a revered Sheikh of the Sarwari Qadri Silsila. He received the Trust of spiritual knowledge (Amanat-e-Faqr) from Sultan-ul-Sabireen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafur Shah. As a result, he holds the 28th position in the chain of Faqr, which traces back to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). His services on the path of Faqr are unforgettable. Through his mystical poetry, he left behind a vast intellectual, literary, and philosophical legacy that serves as an invaluable guide for those on the spiritual journey. Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah wrote mystical verses praising his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Sabireen Sultan Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah, the spiritual guide of his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Tariqeen Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani and Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo. These verses offer profound insights on unity, annihilation in Allah, subsistence through Allah, and the vision of the Divine.
The Lineage and Ancestry of Pir Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah
His name was Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah. Due to his connection with the city of Mashhad in Iran, the title AlMashhadi became a part of his name. Hazrat Imam Bari belonged to the same tribe, which is likely why in various traditions, Pir Syed Bahadur Ali Shah is referred to as a descendant of Hazrat Bari Imam, although Hazrat Bari Imam had no descendants. Due to his lineage from the family of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the title Syed was added to his name. Additionally, because of his descent from Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim, the title Kazmi was also included. His ancestral lineage traces back to Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim and ultimately reaches Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza.
Birth and Early Life of Pir Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah
His tribe migrated from Iran and settled near the city of Rawalpindi, which was part of the region of Punjab, India, and modern-day Pakistan. His parents later moved from Rawalpindi to Chakwal and then to Shorkot (District Jhang) before eventually settling in the town of Hussuwali in the northwestern direction. Pir Bahadur Ali Shah was born on 16th August 1801, corresponding to 5th Rabi-ul-Sani 1216, on a Sunday morning at the time of Fajr in the town of Hussuwali.
Early Signs of Spiritual Calling
From an early age, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah was chosen for Faqr, which is why his inclination towards spirituality was evident even as a child. Unlike other children, his nature was not drawn to worldly pursuits. The light of Faqr was visible on his blessed face from childhood, making him stand out as different and more distinguished from his brothers. Observing this, his father, Syed Fateh Ali, realized that this child was no ordinary one. It was clear to him that Allah had important plans for him in the future. Syed Fateh Ali himself was a Sufi, a pious and devout man, and had great reverence for Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo. He frequently visited the Darbar of Sultan Bahoo.
When Allah has a great mission for someone, He doesn’t let them waste their potential in worldly distractions. Instead, He arranges for their early spiritual training. Allah inspired Syed Fateh Ali to take his son to the Darbar of Sultan Bahoo, which became the first spiritual school for Pir Bahadur Ali Shah. It was there that the spark of true love for the Divine began to burn in his heart, even when he was only eight years old. Recognizing this, his father decided to formally provide him with religious education. To pursue his education, Syed Fateh Ali planned to send his son to Hazrat Pir Molana Mohammad Abaidullah Multani in Multan, but before that, they spent seven days at the Darbar of Sultan Bahoo.
Spiritual Training Under Hazrat Pir Molana Mohammad Abaidullah Multan
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah spent approximately seventeen days in the educational institution of Pir Molana Mohammad Abaidullah Multani. During these seventeen days, several remarkable events occurred. When Molana Abaidullah presented the initial lesson to him, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah read and recited it completely, even completing the recitation of the entire Quran. Molana Abaidullah, thinking the child had memorized the Quran, began teaching him the traditional curriculum of Dars-e-Nizami. However, even here, the same extraordinary situation unfolded. Whatever book Molana Abaidullah placed before him, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah had already memorized it. This left Molana Abaidullah deeply astonished. In his confusion, he wrote a letter to Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s father, saying that his son had completed his education and that he should come to take him back. Upon reading the letter, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s father was troubled and disappointed, thinking perhaps his son had not lived up to the teacher’s standards or had missed something.
When they arrived in Multan, Molana Abaidullah revealed the situation in detail. His father was astonished, hearing that his son had not formally received such education. When Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s father inquired further, he was reminded that before coming to Multan, they had spent seven days at the Darbar of Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo. During this time, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah had prayed for blessings at the court of Sultan Bahoo, and it was as a result of this prayer that Hazrat Sultan Bahoo had blessed him with the divine knowledge (Ilm-e-Laduni) in just seven days. Upon hearing this, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s father decided to take him back to the Darbar of Sultan Bahoo. In response, Sultan Bahoo instructed that the child should remain with them at the Darbar, saying, “Leave your son with us, for we are his protector.”
After receiving the command, his father presented him before Sultan Bahoo. It’s worth noting that the knowledge and expertise required for such mastery typically take years to acquire. However, Sultan Bahoo bestowed these profound teachings upon Pir Bahadur Ali Shah in just seven days. SubhanAllah!
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s Service at Sultan Bahoo’s Court
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah, at the age of 8, arrived at the sacred shrine of Sultan Bahoo in 1809 and remained there for the next 40 years. During this period, he undertook various duties and responsibilities at the shrine, including filling water for the pilgrims’ ablution, organizing their resting arrangements, distributing food at the langar (community kitchen), and ensuring the cleanliness and upkeep of the shrine.
However, the most significant service he rendered during this time was copying and preserving the Persian manuscripts of Sultan Bahoo’s works. These manuscripts included notable texts such as Shams-ul-Arifeen, Ganj-ul-Asrar, Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan, Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Khurd, Ain-ul-Faqr, Aqal-e-Baydar, and Nur-ul-Huda Kalan.
The Role of Daily Dhikr in Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s Spiritual Journey
During his stay at the sacred shrine, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s daily routine was centered around the invocation and contemplation (tasawwur) of the Personal Name of Allah (Ism-e-Allah Zaat). This daily practice ignited the burning flame of true, Divine Love (Ishq-e-Haqiqi) in his heart, turning it into a blazing fire. This is the unique form of worship through which a person’s inner self is purified, making them capable of attaining closeness to Allah and His presence.
As mentioned in a hadith of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): “There is a burnisher for everything and the burnisher of inward is the invocation of Allah.”
Sultan Bahoo, explaining this hadith, says:
دل کرصیقل شیشے وانگوں باھوؒ، دور تھیون کلُ پردے ھوُ
(Dil kar seeqal sheeshay wangoo Bahoo, door thewen kul parday Hoo)
“Purify your heart like a mirror, Bahoo. All your veils will disappear.”
Meaning: Just as a mirror reflects its image clearly when it is polished and clean, similarly, when the heart is purified, it becomes capable of seeing the Divine and receiving enlightenment.
Spiritual Progress and Initiation into Bayat
Along with fulfilling various duties and responsibilities at Sultan Bahoo’s shrine, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah remained committed to the daily practice of dhikr and contemplation of the Divine Name (Ism-e-Allah Zaat). Through this consistent practice, he ascended to higher spiritual levels and achieved profound inner progress.
After 40 years, in 1849, Sultan Bahoo granted him permission to return home, with the condition that he should continue to attend the spiritual gatherings held every month. This continued until 1861.
In 1861, during a visit to Sultan Bahoo’s shrine, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah received an order from Sultan Bahoo to go to Shorkot and pledge bayat (allegiance) at the hands of Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah. Accordingly, on August 2, 1861 (25th of Muharram al-Haram 1278), a Friday, he traveled to Shorkot and took bayat at the hands of Sultan-ul-Sabireen, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah.
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s Devotion
It is noteworthy that Pir Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah dedicated his entire life—from childhood, adolescence, and youth—to the name of Allah. Setting aside his personal desires, he treasured only the pleasure of Allah above all. With unwavering loyalty and determination, he spent 53 years of his life serving at the court of Sultan Bahoo.
In his tribute to Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah wrote a beautiful verse, which expresses his reverence and understanding of the spiritual station of Sultan Bahoo. One of the couplets reads:
“Ishq da maqtab kholya hai, Sultan sohnay alishaan saeein,
Dakhil maqtab howan, janan yaksaan sood zyaan saeein,
Dassay alif wekhaye hik, sahi ustad hai ahl e irfan saeein,
Sultan Bahadur Shah madaraj teh howan, hik aan te hik zamaan saeein.“
Meaning: Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo has opened the school of love for the seekers of Allah and the true lovers. Those who enter this school of love, Sultan Bahoo educates them in such a majestic manner that they no longer consider worldly gains or losses important. To them, gold and dust become the same. Sultan Bahoo is the true teacher, the master of divine knowledge, who teaches the remembrance (dhikr) and contemplation (tasawur) of the Divine Name, Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Through this practice, one is granted the vision of the Divine (Deedar-e-Ilahi), and the seeker ascends to the highest spiritual ranks in an instant.
Night of the Divine Gathering
Since Pir Bahadur Ali Shah had started progressing through the inner spiritual stages under the guidance and training of Sultan Bahoo, and had spent a long time in the service at the sacred shrine, Sultan Bahoo held a special place in his heart. His love for Sultan Bahoo was deep, he was one of his most devoted disciples.
Every night, a spiritual gathering would be held at the shrine, where Sultan Bahoo’s trusted companions and disciples would sit according to their spiritual ranks. In this setting, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah would sit at the last position, reflecting his humility.
One night, while on his way to attend the gathering at the court, a severe storm and heavy rainfall began. The boatman, seeing the raging storm, refused to cross the river. But Pir Bahadur Ali Shah, being a sincere and true lover of the Divine, could not bear the thought of missing the gathering of his beloved. He could not allow even a single night of separation from the Divine presence. Without a second thought, he leapt into the river, ignoring the dangers of the storm, and swam across with the strength of his love for his Master. As he crossed the waves of the river, he metaphorically used the oar of love to carve his way through, eventually reaching the court and the blessed gathering.
The True Essence of Faqr: Surrendering the Self in Divine Love
“Tadon faqeer shatabi banda, jad jaan ishq vich haray Hoo.”
This verse means that a true mystic or fakir becomes complete when, in the path of love, he sacrifices his own life. The seeker eliminates his worldly desires with the sword of “la” (negation), effectively ending the ego and selfish wishes. He places everything—his home, wealth, and even his very existence—on the line. Only then does he burn in the fire of love, becoming consumed in the Divine and experiencing complete annihilation (fana).
At this point, the individual transforms from being merely a Muslim to becoming a true believer (momin), embodying the essence of La Ilaha Illa Allah (There is no god but Allah). He becomes an enlightened one, truly knowing the meaning of the divine truth.
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s Spiritual Elevation and the Transfer of the Divine Trust
When a seeker remains sincere and steadfast in their quest for the Divine, navigating through all the trials of the realm of love with unwavering determination, Allah rewards such a devotee immensely. That night, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah reached a spiritual station in the court of Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo, a station that was truly enviable. From the last seat in the gathering, he progressed to the first seat, symbolizing his elevation in the spiritual realm. Sultan Bahoo honored him with the title of “Pir Sahib,” and soon he became widely known as “Hazoor Pir Sahib.“
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah passed Sultan Bahoo’s tests as a true seeker of the Divine. His unmatched perseverance, loyalty, and exemplary love for the Divine earned him the highest approval from Sultan-ul-Arifeen. Sultan Bahoo not only granted him the treasure of Faqr but also appointed him as the custodian of this treasure.
Sultan Bahoo instructed him:
“This treasure, which has been granted to you, is the treasure of the fifth Sultan-ul-Faqr (meaning mine), which you must now transfer to the sixth Sultan-ul-Faqr. This matter has been approved in the court of the Noble Prophet (PBUH), and Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam, has already sealed it.”
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah wondered how he could transfer this treasure. Sultan-ul-Arifeen then told him, “In my lineage, a complete man will be born, circumcised and navel-free, the birth of the sixth Sultan ul Faqr will take place at his house.”
From this moment, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah received the esteemed title of “Shahbaz-e-Arifan” from Syedna Ghaus-ul-Azam Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
The Essence of Faqr: Love as the Path to Divine Realization
The conclusion of this teaching is that the perfection of Faqr is attained through the intensity of love. In reality, Faqr itself is love. This profound concept is beautifully reflected in the verse of Allama Iqbal, which perfectly encapsulates the essence of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s personality:
“Dayaar-e-ishq mein apna maqam paida kar,
Naya zamana naye subah o shaam paida kar.”
“Establish your place in the land of love,
Create new dawns and dusks in this new world.”
This reflects an essential aspect of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi Al-Mashadi’s blessed life, where, as both a seeker of knowledge and a true lover of the Divine, he wrote his own history.
In the second phase of his life, another aspect comes to the forefront: the time when he became blessed with the position of spiritual guidance, sitting on the seat of spiritual instruction and guidance. This marked his further elevation in the divine hierarchy, shaping the history of his spiritual journey.
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah’s Spiritual Journey and the Establishment of “Pir Di Bhaneri”
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah spent nearly 49 years in the company and guidance of his spiritual guide, Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah Hashmi Qureshi, never parting from him until his passing. After the demise of his spiritual guide, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah migrated from his previous place of residence to Deva Singh, Tehsil Kabeerwala, District Multan, where he stayed for a while.
Soon, he moved permanently to Moza Farid Mehmood Kathiya, located 14 kilometers from Shorkot on Jhang Road, about 2 kilometers East of Adda Qasimabad. When Pir Bahadur Ali Shah arrived in Moza Farid Mehmood Kathiya, the people there were deeply immersed in ignorance, deprived of divine knowledge and understanding. In response, he established a center there, which later became renowned as “Pir Di Bhaneri.” From this very place, he began his mission of spreading the divine light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
People, who had been lost in the darkness of ignorance, began responding to his call and came in great numbers, gaining the divine knowledge and illumination of Marifa (knowledge of the Divine). His invitation to the truth was answered by many, and they were blessed with the light of wisdom and the knowledge of the Divine.
Marital Life
In order to fulfill the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), he even entered into a marriage. However, due to his way of life, he was unable to sustain the relationship. His wife and in-laws insisted that he abandon the path of asceticism and focus on worldly affairs, take up a job, or engage in farming. But they were unaware that when the love of the material world has been erased from one’s heart and the passion for divine truth has taken root, nothing except Allah can find a place there.
The Path of Divine Love
کاجل دارُو کرُکرُا سرمہ سہا نہ جائے
جن نین میں پی بسے دُوجا کون سمائے
Kajal, daroo, kurkura surma Saha na jaye
Jin nain mein pi basay dooja Kon smaye
Kajal, alcohol, and kohl cannot coexist;
When the Beloved resides in one’s eyes, there is no room for another.
Those who reached the state of Fana fi Hoo (annihilation in Allah) could never be trapped by this world, desires, or the accursed Satan. He chose the path of Faqr and removed every barrier between himself and Allah, dedicating his entire life to asceticism. He had no children.
Undoubtedly, he was a perfect Fakir of the path of Faqr—one who, from eternity to eternity, saw, heard, and desired nothing except his Beloved, his Lord. He was the true embodiment of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo’s famous saying:
“Allah is enough; all else is mere desire.”
The Golden Ism-e-Azam
After this trial, he devoted all his attention to his Murshid Kamil Akmal and the mission of spreading Hazrat Sultan Bahoo’s teachings. He took revolutionary steps to deliver the blessings of Ism-e-Allah Zaat to the common people.
He was the first Man of Faith in the history of Faqr to introduce the Golden Ism-e-Azam and bestowed this spiritual treasure upon hundreds of seekers of Allah. He would personally inscribe Ism-e-Allah Zaat and then send it to a goldsmith in Multan for gilding.
(The practice of preparing Golden Ism-e-Allah Zaat was later revived by Sixth Sultan-ul-Faqr, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, using an original Golden Ism from the time of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah as a model.)
Though seekers would visit him for divine blessings, he did not confine himself to one place. Instead, he embarked on many preaching journeys to spread the grace of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Most of his travels took him to Ahmedpur Sharqia (Bahawalpur), Vehari, Multan, Khanewal, and Mian Channu.
The Transfer of Amanat-e-Ilahiya (Sacred Trust of Faqr)
After blessing hundreds of seekers with the spiritual grace of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, he was still searching for that one rare soul—the true heir worthy of inheriting Sultan Bahoo’s treasure of Faqr.
One night, after the Isha prayer, a 21-year-old young man stood at the shrine of Sultan-ul-Arifeen and humbly expressed his desire:
“I wish to travel to Baghdad and take the oath of allegiance (Bayat) at the hands of the noble descendants of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.”
However, the very blessing he sought was already destined for him at the shrine of Sultan Bahoo. Suddenly, Sultan Bahoo himself emerged from his sacred tomb, placed his right hand on the young man’s wrist, and declared:
“Whether you go to Baghdad or Madina, the decision has already been made long ago. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has sealed this decree, and Ghaus-ul-Azam (Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani) has also affirmed it. Your Bayat (spiritual pledge) will be at the hands of Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah. Therefore, at this very moment, you will take the oath under the guidance of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah.”
The Transfer of the Amanat-e-Faqr to Its Rightful Heir
Sultan Bahoo then addressed Pir Bahadur Ali Shah, saying, “Pir Sahib, take him into your spiritual allegiance (Bayat).” This young man was the very rare gem destined to inherit Sultan Bahoo’s treasure of Faqr—the one about whom Sultan Bahoo had already informed Pir Bahadur Ali Shah beforehand.
In humility, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah responded, “Hazoor, he is from your own lineage. You should take him into Bayat yourself.” But Sultan Bahoo repeated his command: “Pir Sahib, you must take him into Bayat.”
When Sultan Bahoo gave the command for the third time, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah obeyed and took the young man into spiritual allegiance. This remarkable soul was none other than Sultan-ul-Auliya Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz, a descendant of Sultan Bahoo himself.
Thus, the Amanat-e-Faqr (Sacred Trust of Faqr) once again returned to Sultan Bahoo’s family. This historic event took place on March 13, 1932 (6th Zil-Qaad 1350 AH), a blessed Sunday.
From the very day of his Bayat until the passing of his Murshid Kamil Akmal, Shahbaz-e-Arifan Pir Syed Bahadur Ali Shah, Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz dedicated his entire life to his Murshid’s companionship and service. His utmost effort was to personally attend to every need of his Murshid, ensuring that no task was left to anyone else.
Spiritual Miracles
Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz was the sole and highest-ranking spiritual successor (Khalifa Akbar) of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah; there was no Khalifa Asghar (junior successor). After transferring the Amanat-e-Faqr to him, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah remained alive for nearly two more years. However, within this short period, through his spiritual gaze (Nazar-e-Kamil), he elevated Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz to the highest level of Baatini (inner) ascension, bringing him to the state of Fana fi Hoo (annihilation in Divine Essence).
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah was extremely generous toward true seekers of Allah (Taliban-e-Maula), unveiling the secrets of Ism-e-Allah Zaat upon them. Those who received this special divine attention became so deeply engrossed in the vision of Allah that they lost awareness of their physical senses. Even the disciples who prepared food for the Langar (community kitchen) would become so absorbed in the remembrance of Ism-e-Allah Zaat that they would forget everything—the bread and curry would burn. Yet, Pir Sahib would still eat the same burnt food without complaint.
One day, Sultan Bahoo gave Pir Bahadur Ali Shah a special command:
“Grant spiritual grace to seekers according to their capacity and gradually reveal the mysteries of Ism-e-Allah Zaat based on their endurance. Otherwise, excessive exposure will lead all disciples to a state of spiritual intoxication (Majzoobi), making it difficult for them to function in the world. However, when a disciple reaches their final moments (Sakarat, the time of death), then unveil as much of Ism-e-Allah Zaat as you wish and bless them accordingly.”
Visal (Union with the Divine) and Blessed Shrine
The luminous star of the Faqr lineage, Pir Syed Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi Almashadi, passed away on February 27, 1934 (14th Zil-Qaad 1352 AH), Tuesday, departing this temporary world.
He lived for 132 years, 6 months, and 11 days, but even in his final moments, there was no change in his physical and spiritual beauty. His face remained radiant with the light of divine truth. His forehead was broad, his nose was high, and his stature was upright. His beard was perfectly balanced in length and volume. His hair was so beautifully styled that they would naturally form a small parting in the middle, enhancing his appearance even further. His eyes were large and intoxicated with divine love. His hair flowed down to his earlobes, and his body was robust. His palms were as soft as silk, and his fingers were long and delicate.
Despite his elevated spiritual station and immense grace, he would wear extremely simple clothing—just a sarong (Tehmad) and robe (Kurta). Occasionally, he would wear a long coat, and he often wore a white turban, though he also wore a green turban on occasion. He preferred to wear khussa (soft shoes).
Blessed Shrine and Urs Mubarak
The Blessed Shrine of Pir Syed Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi Almashadi is located in Pir di Bhaneri, Moza Farid Kot, and his Urs Mubarak is celebrated every year from February 25th to 27th.
As per Sultan Bahoo’s directive, his shrine became a central hub for the path of Faqr. Whenever Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz faced any issue, he would visit the shrine of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah and immediately receive guidance to resolve the matter. This was a part of the Karamat-e-Azizia (Divine Miracles).
Similarly, the Sixth Sultan-ul-Faqr, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, would begin every important task with a visit to the shrine of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah. This practice continued with Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, the current Imam of the Sarwari Qadri Order, who also followed the same tradition when taking on the responsibility of spiritual guidance and mentorship. Whenever any issue arose on the path of Faqr, the direction would always be towards the sacred court of Pir Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah.
The Legacy of Faiz and Faqr
Shahbaz-e-Arifaan, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Pir Syed Bahadur Ali Shah initiated the sacred tradition of spreading the Faiz-e-Sultani (the beneficence of Ism-e-Allah Zaat) to the masses. This spiritual lineage continues today, serving as a beacon for seekers of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. The Amanat-e-Faqr was transferred from Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz to Sixth Sultan-ul-Faqr, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, and then to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.
Just as Pir Bahadur Ali Shah had shared the secrets of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, continues to spread this divine grace to all who seek it. In this era of trials and confusion, the center of Faqr is now the blessed personality of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. May Allah grant us the ability to receive his spiritual beneficence and spend life in his service. Ameen.
This is an English translation of Urdu blog شہباز عارفاں حضرت پیر سیر محمد بہادر علی شاہ کاظمی المشہدی that appeared in the February 2025 issue of monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr Magazine. Waqar Ahmed Sarwari Qadri authored the original article. Zuhaa Fatima Sarwari Qadri has translated it in English.