Dive into the timeless spiritual teachings of Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah, a visionary spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order whose influence continues to shape the traditions of Faqr. Known for his deep connection with Ism-e-Allah Zaat, Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah taught how to transcend worldly desires and embrace divine wisdom. His legacy is carried forward by disciples like Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, and Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, who spread the transformative power of Faqr to thousands across generations.

In this article, we explore the profound spiritual practices and miraculous events that marked Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah’s life. His simple yet powerful lifestyle was the epitome of devotion and selflessness, and his teachings continue to guide followers today. From the sacred Urs Mubarak to the powerful experiences of his disciples, Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah’s shrine has become a beacon of spiritual enlightenment and divine grace.

Learn about how Amanat-e-Faqr was passed through the generations, from Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz to Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali and now to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, who continues to share the blessings of Ism-e-Allah Zaat with the world. This article uncovers the essence of the Faqr, how it thrives today, and how Sultan Bahadur Ali

Shah’s followers continue to unlock the divine secrets of the universe.

Ready to explore the legacy of one of the greatest spiritual masters in history? Read on and uncover the timeless teachings of Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah and the continuing path of Faqr.

Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Pir Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi Al-Mashadi is a revered Sheikh of the Sarwari Qadri Silsila. He received the Trust of spiritual knowledge (Amanat-e-Faqr) from Sultan-ul-Sabireen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafur Shah. As a result, he holds the 28th position in the chain of Faqr, which traces back to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). His services on the path of Faqr are unforgettable. Through his mystical poetry, he left behind a vast intellectual, literary, and philosophical legacy that serves as an invaluable guide for those on the spiritual journey. Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah wrote mystical verses praising his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Sabireen Sultan Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah, the spiritual guide of his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Tariqeen Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani and Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo. These verses offer profound insights on unity, annihilation in Allah, subsistence through Allah, and the vision of the Divine.

The Lineage and Ancestry of Pir Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah

His name was Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah. Due to his connection with the city of Mashhad in Iran, the title AlMashhadi became a part of his name. Hazrat Imam Bari belonged to the same tribe, which is likely why in various traditions, Pir Syed Bahadur Ali Shah is referred to as a descendant of Hazrat Bari Imam, although Hazrat Bari Imam had no descendants. Due to his lineage from the family of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the title Syed was added to his name. Additionally, because of his descent from Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim, the title Kazmi was also included. His ancestral lineage traces back to Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim and ultimately reaches Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza.
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