Allah says in the Quran while describing the grandeur of His Beloved Prophet Mohammad pbuh:
رَفَعۡنَا لَکَ ذِکۡرَکَ ؕ﴿۴﴾ الشَّرْح/الْإِنْشِرَاح (94 : 4)
Meaning: (O beloved!) And We raised for you your remembrance (repute and fame).
Allah did not say in the above verse that We will be raising high Prophet Mohammad pbuh’s remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi). Or Allah would raise it high some day in future. Rather He said, “We have raised high and dignified his remembrance”. When did He start doing it? Ever since Allah has been present, and till what time will it remain high? Until Allah will remain. He is Immortal and Eternal, will always be Immortal. Similarly, Prophet Mohammad’s fame and name (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) is everlasting and will be eternal and immortal. Allah made him the prophet when Adam was in the process of creation i.e. between clay and water.
Angel Gabriel told Prophet Mohammad pbuh about himself that he did not know his own age. However he knew only that much that a star of Divine light rises after every seventy thousand years. It rises in the fourth layer of Allah’s light. He had seen it for seventy thousand times. Prophet Mohammad pbuh replied, “O Gabriel! That star is me.” Allah has dignified his remembrance to the stations unknown and remote. Not only in this world but the worlds beyond this world. By the reason that He Himself is “Rab-ul-Alameen” and His beloved is “Rehmat-ul-Alameen”. So, as many worlds or realms Allah has created, He is their Rab. Prophet Mohammad pbuh is the Prophet and Messenger in all of them. Therefore Allah has elevated his remembrance in all the realms. The number of realms is beyond our knowledge or intuition but Prophet Mohammad pbuh’s name is dignified in all of them.
The Reality and Grandeur of Prophet Mohammad
Intellect is unable to understand the reality of Prophet Mohammad
It is above our intellect and wisdom to understand the reality and repute of Prophet Mohammad pbuh. In the above verse of Quran, the use of words “for you” reveals the reality that Allah is saying “My beloved! I do not care about anybody, may people be glad or not, agreed or annoyed. I am the Master, Indifferent to everyone and everybody is dependent upon Me. I do not depend upon anyone. And do not care about anything but when it is about you, I elevate your remembrance only to please you.
The grandeur of Prophet Mohammad is Incomparable
To raise high is a comparative action. For example the people on the stage are at the higher place than the ones on the ground. Similarly, the people on the roof of a house are on a higher place than the ones on the stage. So for elevation or raising something above, we ask that in whose comparison Allah has raised it higher? Thus, a sense of comparison derives from it. But if something is not provided in the comparison then the elevation is not perceptible. Hence, elevation or exaltation is a comparative action but the above mentioned verse means the absolute exaltation. The human intellect raises the question, in whose comparison Allah has exalted his name? As there is nothing present parallel to his fame and name.
It reflects that Allah is pointing “There is no one in My beloved’s comparison, so who is to be mentioned?” Thus we have found total absoluteness here. It proves that the absolute exaltation is only for His beloved because this dignity is immeasurable, uncountable and incomparable. We are incapable to present anything from any created world for its comparison. As we can place nothing in the juxtaposition of his remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi). If we consider this verse minutely, we see that no doubt exists that His beloved’s name is elevated than everything. Because this verse authenticates that Allah has declared, “My beloved We have raised your name higher than each and everything.”
Our all attributes are incapable to understand the grandeur of Prophet Mohammad
The word “thing” encompasses all our traits and attributes like intellect, knowledge, reading, dialogues, arguments, discussions and dialectics. This verse means that Allah is telling us that Prophet Mohammad pbuh’s remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) is beyond your knowledge and wisdom. Also it is far above your thinking, insight, intuition, readings, books, arguments and your dialogues. Take a flight throughout your life, where you would stop the remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) of My beloved is more elevated than that. Thus, to argue about Prophet Mohammad pbuh’s rank means trying to establish his status and stature. This is utterly waywardness, triviality and ignorance. This is because the centre and pivot of faith is the sacred self of Prophet Mohammad pbuh.
Allah has ordered to remember the name of Prophet Mohammad along with His name.
Allah has exalted Prophet Mohammad’s name such that it has become compulsory to remember his name with Allah’s Name. Abdullah ibn Abbas describes that Allah Almighty said to Prophet Mohammad, “O Mohammad! Where My Remembrance is mentioned, along with it yours is must to be mentioned. Whoever mentions Me but not you, has no share in the paradise.” (Durre Mansoor Vol.6)
Remembering Prophet Mohammad (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) The prayer call
The best example of the elevation of Prophet’s remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) is the five times prayer call (azan). When the muezzin announces the Oneness of Allah saying the words ‘I witness that Allah is One’. Along with it he also proclaims the Messengerhood of His beloved by calling ‘I witness that Prophet Mohammad pbuh is Allah’s Prophet’. The learned people know that prayer call is that Islamic ritual which resounds everywhere in the world every moment, twenty four hours a week. The sun rises first of all in the eastern islands of Seelze. Here at 5:30 am, with the sun rise in the extreme eastern islands of Indonesia the muezzin calls for dawn (Fajar) salat. Thousands of muezzins announce the Oneness of Allah Almighty and the Messengerhood of Prophet Mohammad pbuh simultaneously.
From the eastern islands, the series of prayer calls extends towards the western ones. The call starts resounding in Jakarta till one and a half hour. Then it begins in Sumatra. Before it ends in the western towns and villages of Sumatra, prayer call starts in the mosques of Malaya. After Malaya comes the turn of Burma. This continuation of prayer call starts from Jakarta reaches Dhaka after one hour. It has not ended in Bangladesh yet, that it passes from Kolkata to Srinagar extending towards Mumbai. The atmosphere of the whole India resounds with the proclamation of Oneness of Allah and Messengerhood of Prophet Mohammad. The time of dawn (Fajar) salat in Srinagar and Sialkot is same. The difference of time from Sialkot to Quetta, Karachi and Gwadar is of forty minutes. Meanwhile the dawn prayer call continues in the whole Pakistan.
The prayer call continues
Before ending in Pakistan this continuation advances towards Afghanistan and Muscat. From Muscat to Baghdad it takes one hour. Meanwhile the Prayer calls constantly resound in Hijaz, Yemen, Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq. Again the difference from Baghdad to Gandaria is one hour. During this hour Prayer calls forward to Syria, Egypt, Somalia and Sudan. City of Gandaria and Istanbul are situated in the same region. From eastern Turkey to Western Turkey the difference of time is one and a half hour. During this period we hear the echoes of Oneness of Allah and Messsengerhood of Prophet Mohammad in this whole area.
From Gandaria to Tripoli, the duration is one hour. In this hour prayer call continues in Southern Africa, Libya and Tunisia. The prayer call for dawn salat which initiated at the Eastern Islands of Indonesia covers the journey of nine and a half hours. It reaches the Eastern coast of Atlantic ocean. Then, the prayer call of noon (Dhuhr) salat starts in the Eastern Indonesia before the dawn prayer call reaches in the Atlantic ocean. Till the call of noon salat begins in Dhaka, the azan of afternoon (Asr) salat start echoing in the Eastern Indonesia.
Allah will continue the azan till the doomsday
This sequence hardly reaches Jakarta in one and a half hour. Then the time of sunset (Maghrib) salat approaches in the Eastern Islands of Indonesia.
The sequence of this prayer call hardly reaches Sumatra from Seelze. Then the time of night (Isha) salat approaches. When the sequel of azan of night salat initiates in the Eastern Indonesia, the dawn prayer calls again start resounding in Africa. Thus, not even a moment on the earth passes in which thousands of muezzins are not announcing the greatness of Allah and Mohammadan prestige as a Prophet. Allah will carry on this system of continuous azan till doomsday. This fact provides the proof and shows one of the ways of Allah to raise high the remembrance of Prophet Mohammad (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi).
Salutations (salawat) on Prophet Mohammad pbuh
Salat is an important component of Islam which is obligatory upon every Muslim to offer five times a day. Every Muslim who establishes prayer sends salutations upon the Holy Prophet in tashahhud. This means salat is also incomplete without the remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) of Prophet Mohammad pbuh. Allah has made salawat also known as durud. Certainly, it is the devotion which makes every supplication acceptable in His court. Every sect believes that if before and after a prayer or supplication we send durud upon Prophet Mohammad, Allah would definitely accept it.
Nevertheless, to glorify the Prophet is a beautiful form of supplication and devotion. And salawat is another name of his commendation. Durud is a gift of blessings and devotion as well as proclamation of his majestic grandeur. It implies perfect faith in Prophet Mohammad, the beloved of Allah. Durud is another name of his respect, honour and admiration of his exquisite marvels. Also of our infinite love and adoration for him.
Allah Sends Salutations on Prophet Mohammad and Orders us to do the same
Allah says in the Holy Quran:
Meaning: Undoubtedly! Allah and His angels send durud (blessings) on Prophet Mohammad. O believers! You also send durud on him and salute him with a worthy salutation abundantly. (Al-Ahzab 56)
This is the only devotion in which Allah has also included Himself. There are the three, who send durud on him (1) Allah Almighty (2) Angels (3) Believers. Sending durud by Allah on him means:
- Allah is exalting the Prophet’s Remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi).
- He is bestowing upon him the domination of faith every moment.
- Terminating the sharia of all the previous Prophets. Allah has declared to maintain the sharia of His beloved forever. And is proclaiming that adopting his Sunnah is the actual and basic good deed of the believers Moreover, is a source of redemption and gaining the Divine closeness. Every moment, Allah is increasing his dignity and grace, as Allah mentions in the Quran:
Meaning: And every following moment is better for him than the preceding one.
On the Day of Judgement Allah will grant Prophet Mohammad the Status of an intercessor.
- On the Day of Judgment, Allah will grant him the status of an intercessor and make him a source of people’s salvation from the torments of the Day. Allah would say, “My beloved ask whatever you want, We will provide. If you ask for intercession, We will accept it.” (Muslim Sharif)
- Almighty is bestowing upon the believers the blessing of His vision through the Prophet’s mediation.
Durud by the angels means that they pray to Allah in his favour that He may confer upon him the best and the greatest levels. Moreover, prevail his religion in the world. Durud by the believers also means to beseech Allah to elevate his dignity. Allah has clarified to the believers that He showers upon him the blessings and His angels extol his glory too. Hence, the believers must also commend His beloved.
In the aforementioned verse (Al-Ahzab-56), the word durud refers to three things. First is compassion and blessings upon Prophet Mohammad due to his love, second is his commendation, third is supplication. Hence, when Allah sends durud, we will take the first and second meanings. But when angels and humans recite durud, it is a form of supplication and commendation.
We Cannot Praise and Salute Prophet Mohammad according to his Grandeur
The meaning of Salam is to present salutations and greetings in the court of Prophet Mohammad pbuh. In verse 56 of Al-Ahzab, Allah commands believers to present their salutations along with durud in the Prophet’s court. We say Salam to him who is present. Therefore, this order by Allah provides a proof of eternal life of Prophet Mohammad. Although, Allah has ordered us to present durud in Prophet Mohammad’s court but we confess humbly that we cannot praise and salute him according to his grandeur. So we say, “O Allah! Only You exactly know the true worth and grace of Your beloved. Therefore, You send durud upon him on our behalf, according to his majesty.”
All His Actions are Mandatory to Follow
Furthermore, Allah has graced his remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) to such an extent that He has preserved each and every aspect of his life. To follow his each and every manner, saying and action is mandatory upon all the Muslims. Till date, countless books in numerous languages on his life and sunnah have been written and more are being written. Nobody else has this honour apart from Prophet Mohammad pbuh.
Even the non-Muslims declare him the first when they choose hundred most eminent personalities of the universe, putting their prejudice aside. This is the elevation Allah has given to His beloved! Each and every order and deed of Prophet Mohammad pbuh has been saved in the form of Sunnah. And Muslims are ordered to follow it. Whenever a Muslim acts upon any of his Sunnah, he is actually elevating his remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi).
One Achieves high Levels by Following Him
Allah not only exalted the remembrance of His beloved but also of those who made Allah’s beloved, their beloved. Who knew Bilal ibn Rabah but who does not know the muezzin Bilal ibn Rabah? If Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali had been famous in their era, it would have been limited to their tribes only. However, it is due to the magnetic charm and alchemic powers of Prophet Mohammad that whoever was attached to him, became popular in the entire world till the doomsday. The more one becomes closer to him, the more he receives recognition in the world and as higher a status in both the worlds.
Umar ibn Khattab came with a naked sword to murder (God forbid) the Prophet but the latter had demanded the former from Allah for the progress of the religion Islam. Hence, the sword converted into the sword of Islam. Afterwards, the rule of Umar’s sword prevailed over half of the world which is remembered forever. Umar ibn Khattab became the Caliph of Believers and is included among the greatest rulers of the world history. It was not only the magnetic charm rather the knowledge of alchemy which is the procedure to convert a common metal into gold, the procedure of turning a common man into a special one.
Allah not only exalted the humans but also the mountains and caves where Prophet Mohammad stayed. Rather, He made them pilgrim centres for all and sundry. These mountains were not as high as Himalayas that could receive fame due to their height. Neither were verdure enough to become a hill-station like the Murree Hills or Alps. So if they have any worth, it is because an esteemed orphan selected these remote caves for staying in particular spans of time.
Nevertheless, this selection made an unknown cave “The Hira” and the other dark one “The Thawr” and endowed upon them an everlasting fame and prestige. People often forget their ancestor’s name with passing years. However, the names of Companions and caves are not only famous rather have been honoured with devotion of masses even after passing more than fourteen hundred years. If this is not a miracle then what else is? Why do we consider only a supernatural happening as a miracle?
After the Companions, any person in any era, who attained the closeness of Prophet Mohammad, made him his beloved and annihilated himself in his sacred being, he became Allah’s Saint and the Prophet’s beloved. More so, his name became elevated as much as he got his nearness. If you do not believe then notice the Mausoleums of the Saints which are situated over the centuries and still exist even after the great opposition of the rivals. Rather, their remembrance is spreading more and raised higher by the elapse of time. “And We raised your Remembrance (Dhikr-e-Mohammadi) high”, is an alive and authentic evidence that Dhikr-e-Mohammadi was elevated, is still elevated and will be so forever.
Dhikr-e-Mohammadi has been high since pre-existence and will remain exalted till eternity. It will be so until Allah’s Name remains high. Prophet’s remembrance will sustain till the time Allah is present and He is everlasting.
To exalt his remembrance, it is not necessary to mention his name loudly. Rather, whoever will attach himself to Prophet Mohammad with all his sincerity and true faith, will be elevated too. Dhikr-e-Mohammadi has been getting supremacy and will be ever raising high because it is in its nature to be exalted along with those who are related to it. It will elevate them too and will keep elevating because the responsibility of its elevation has been taken by Allah Who is the Greatest and Highest of all.
What are the benefits of frequent remembrance of Prophet Mohammad?
Ans: It takes the person closer to Prophet Mohammad and through him, to Allah. His remembrance creates love for him and enhances the passion to follow him. By following him sincerely and ardently, one becomes the lover and beloved of Allah. Prophet Mohammad’s remembrance is the key to success in both the worlds. It illuminates the inward with Divine light and removes the darkness of sins.
What does the Quran say about the remembrance of Prophet Mohammad?
Ans: Allah says in Quran while describing the grandeur of His Beloved Prophet Mohammad:
وَ رَفَعۡنَا لَکَ ذِکۡرَکَ ؕ﴿۴﴾ الشَّرْح/الْإِنْشِرَاح (94 : 4)
Meaning: (O beloved!) And We raised for you your Remembrance (repute and fame).
اِنَّ اللّٰہَ وَ مَلٰٓئِکَتَہٗ یُصَلُّوۡنَ عَلَی النَّبِیِّ ؕ یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا صَلُّوۡا عَلَیۡہِ وَ سَلِّمُوۡا تَسۡلِیۡمًا ﴿۵۶﴾ الْأَحْزَاب (33 : 56)
Meaning: Undoubtedly! Allah and His angels send durud (blessings) on Prophet Mohammad. O believers! You also send durud on him and salute him with a worthy salutation abundantly. (Al-Ahzab 56)
How Allah has exalted the remembrance of Prophet Mohammad?
Ans: Allah has exalted the remembrance of Prophet Mohammad in uncountable ways:
- Through azan which continues in the entire world throughout the day and night.
- By sending durud on the Prophet Himself, along with His angels, and ordering the believers to do the same.
- By exalting the people, places and everything related to him, Allah has actually raised his remembrance.
- By continuing his sharia forever. Whereas, Allah annulled the sharia of previous Prophets.
- By preserving Prophet Mohammad’s Sunnah, his each and every deed, saying and action. Then ordering the believers to follow them.
- By mentioning his grandeur in the Holy Quran which is the most recited Book in the world.
- By joining the remembrance of the Prophet with His Own remembrance.
- By making the Prophet intercessor, Allah will exalt him on the doomsday.
So on and so forth!