What is Sultan Bahoo Blog?
Sultan Bahoo Blog is an online platform of international community of Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo. It is in fact a library that contains Sultan Bahoo posts extracted from his books. Undoubtedly, the books of Sultan Bahoo are a source of Divine guidance for the seekers of Allah. He wrote at least 140 books. The writing style of Sultan Bahoo books is very simple and easy to understand even for less educated people. If his books are read respectfully after ablution, an ocean of spiritual beneficence pours down upon the reader. Sultan Bahoo teachings in his books are like a ray of light in darkness for the seeker in the path of Faqr. If a reader continues to read his books with a true and sincere inward, he will be guided towards a Perfect Sarwari Qadri Murshid who is the representative of Sultan Bahoo in that age.
Purpose of Creating Sultan Bahoo Blog
In Sultan Bahoo blog you can learn everything regrading Sultan Bahoo life, teachings, books and even current spiritual descendant of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo r.a. Sultan Bahoo blog contains Sultan Bahoo posts in the form of articles that cover different aspects of Sultan Bahoo teachings and quotes. The aim is to extract the core message from his books and compile in the form of posts in Sultan Bahoo blog that urges and inspires the reader to do in depth study of his books.
In short, Sultan Bahoo blog is one of many attempts of Tehreek Dawat e Faqr to share its moto of spreading the teachings of Sarwari Qadri saints and Faqr to the world. In addition to Sultan Bahoo blog, you can find Sultan Bahoo posts in other media categories as well. For example,
Sultan Bahoo Library
Under the supervision of Sultan ul Ashiqeen, Tehreek Dawat e Faqr has set up Sultan Bahoo library which contains a collection of Sultan Bahoo books translated in Urdu and English language.
Sultan Bahoo TV
Similar to Sultan Bahoo blog, Sultan Bahoo TV is a channel to spread the teachings and quotes of Sultan Bahoo. It is a video channel of Tehreek Dawat e Faqr that contains Sultan Bahoo posts from his books and poetry. It also has videos of Urs, Kalam e Bahoo, complete abyat and much more. Not to forget the channel has uploaded a detailed documentary on the biography of Sultan Bahoo.
Sultan Bahoo Facebook
This page mainly is dedicated to Sultan Bahoo posts and Sultan Bahoo quotes that reflect his teachings. The link to Sultan Bahoo Facebook page is given below:
The Divine Love for Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Faith is incomplete without Divine love for Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Sufism begins with faith and ends in Divine love.
Satan in Humans and in Jinns | The Two Types
The difference between Jinn and human Satans is that the latter do not run away on hearing azan. Neither do they get caged during Ramadan.
Attributes of a true Momin (believer)
There is a huge difference between Muslim and a Momin (believer). One who recites shahada becomes a Muslim not Momin… Click to read more
Pretence according to Islam and Sufism
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The Spiritual Reality of Rituals of Hajj
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Laylatul Qadr – The Night of Excellence
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Fatima tuz Zahra (r.a)
Fatima-tuz-Zahra the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad holds the status of First Sultan-tul-Faqr. Prophet Mohammad’s lineage is from her.
The Need and Importance of Sadqa in the Path of Allah
Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of every creature. He fulfills their every need. He tests people by giving less to some and more to others. Those who are blessed with abundance of wealth are tested whether they spend it in the way of Allah. They are also...
The Rise and Fall of Muslim Society
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Patience and Determination in the Light of Quran & Sunna
Patience and determination literally mean being resolutely firm, unwavering, firmly established and perseverant. In sharia, patience and determination mean that while walking through the right path i.e. Islam, remain steadfast and have proper control over inner baser...
The True Qibla (Direction)
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Fear of Allah Driving force for a Mumin on the path of Allah
Ali ibn Uthman al-Hujwiri defines fear of Allah in his book Revelation of the Veiled (Kashf al-Mahjub) as: Fear is an awful thing that causes discomfort in the heart or anguish in the body. Moreover, fear is a worry of losing something, such as the fear of an...