Throne of Divine Guidance and Persuasion

When did Sultan Bahoo adorn throne of Divine guidance

After taking physical oath of allegiance, he adorned throne of Divine guidance and persuasion and returned from Delhi. There he started executing his duty of guiding and persuading people towards righteousness. From that day onwards, the Divine radiance and theophanies manifested from his existence. Moreover they were so intense that his single glance (nigah نگاہ ) elevates hundreds of people to the level of Divine union.

Independent Fakir

Sultan Bahoo has defined an independent Fakir and explained his way of Divine guidance and persuasion as compared to the conventional spiritual guides and shrine caretakers that:

Rules and regulations do not constrain an independent Fakir. As he is free from all the constraints. First, he is not bind to stay at one place. Secondly, his beneficence continues in every condition and in every direction. Usually, he distributes the bounty of Faqr among common people while travelling from place to place.

Sultan Bahoo an independent Fakir

After he adorned the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion, he travelled all his life to educate and guide people on the path of Faqr. Among common people he distributed the treasure of Divine love and knowledge. Important to realize is that he did this on Allah’s commandment. As he says:

نفس را رسوا کنم بہر از خدا

بر ہر درے قدمے زنم بہر از خدا

Explanation: I disgrace my self by begging from door to door just to obey and please my Allah. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)

Sultan Bahoo did not restrict his spiritual guidance to one area. He actually went out of his way to spread Faqr (Sufism) to as many people as he could. Making it incumbent upon himself to spread beneficence, he traveled places and converted people to Islam. He fulfilled the Prophet pbuh’s command and brought seekers of Allah close to Him.

Which areas has he visited

For blessing seekers of Allah with Divine guidance and persuasion of Ism e Allah Zaat he travelled towards the valley of Soon Sakeser, Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Sindh and Balochistan for guiding and persuading people towards Faqr. Yet the details about his travels are not in any book, anthologies or manuscripts of Saints. As he always remained away from the centers of culture and education of his age and never met any writer. Moreover his visit to Delhi is mentioned only once. For the most part he distributed the treasure of Ism-e-Allah Zaat among the common villagers. Hence those villagers continued and promoted his teachings.

While travelling, he often blessed any person on the way with Divine closeness by his single glance.

Divine guidance and persuasion of Sarwari Qadri Fakir

Sultan Bahoo says:

Sarwari Qadri Murshid is the possessor of all the attributes of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. That is why when he blesses a Seeker with the Divine Guidance and Persuasion of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, he grants him an equal status of his own.

Throne of Divine guidance and Universal Divine Man

Every era is graced with the presence of the Universal Divine Man also known as al-Insan al-Kamil. He is heir of the Mohammadan heritage of Faqr (Sufism) and possesses the Divine Trust. The Universal Divine Man is the one who guides the seekers of Allah and brings them closer to Him. The sign of his identification is that he is exactly on the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad pbuh.

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