Personal Name of Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat, Ism e Azam)
Sultan Bahoo elaborately explained the secrets of the contemplation (tasawur) of Ism e Allah Zaat or Ism e Azam in his books. He has also named contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat as the knowledge of alchemy and contemplation of Divine guidance at some places in the said books. Contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat is the centre and crux of all esoteric knowledge. Through it one gains the two highest stations of the Divine vision and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. These are not possible from any other invocation (dhikr / zikr) and meditation. Esoterically there are no exalted station than them.
Ism e Allah Zaat is One and only like Allah
Ism e Allah Zaat is, in fact, the Divine Essence and is specific for His glorified Divine Self. Well known scholars of Islam state that this name is neither an infinitive noun nor derivative. Neither one can derive it from any word and vice versa. Unlike other attributive names of Allah, one cannot apply it metaphorically on anyone. Thus, Ism e Allah Zaat name is perfectly pure of combination or application. Like Allah Himself, His name (Ism e Azam) is also the One, only and:
لَمۡ یَلِدۡ ۬ۙ وَ لَمۡ یُوۡلَدۡ ۙ﴿۳﴾
Meaning: He neither begat nor was begotten.
Ism e Allah Zaat develops a special relationship between Allah and His slave
Ism e Allah Zaat (zikr Allah) and its recitation develops a special relationship between Allah and His slave. Moreover the Holy Quran mentions this name four thousand times. The Mystics consider Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) to be His greatest (Ism e Azam) and it is the best zikr.
Ism e Allah Zaat encompasses all the Divine attributes
Ism e Azam encompasses all the Divine attributes within itself. Hence, when a person remembers Allah with the name Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ), Ism e Allah Zaat, he actually calls upon all the attributive names of Allah simultaneously. It is the unique quality of this name which no other attributive name encompasses.
Imam Razi elaborates this point in a very beautiful manner. He says:
No doubt! When you remember Allah with His names of Compassion i.e. you say the most Beneficent (Rehman) or the Most Merciful (Raheem), you only invoke His attribute of compassion not of wrath and majesty. Similarly if you remember Him by the name of ‘the All Knowing’ (Aleem), you only invoke His attribute of omniscience not of omnipotence. But when you say Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) you invoke all the Divine attributes because the One to be worshipped is the One who possesses all the Divine attributes. (Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Vol-1-pg 85)
Allah has two kinds of names, personal and attributive
Name is the medium used to call and recognize somebody or something. There are two kinds of names; personal and attributive. If somebody’s ‘personal name’ is Naveed and he is an expert in medical knowledge, people call him ‘Doctor Naveed’. Moreover if he has learnt Quran by heart then he is ‘Hafiz Naveed’. If he has performed hajj then ‘Haji Naveed’. Hence, the more attributes he will possess, the more attributive names will become a part of his personal name. So ‘Naveed’ is his personal name whereas doctor, hafiz or haji are all his attributive names because they were attached to his original name when he acquired those attributes. This shows that the invocation of an attributive name only includes the remembrance of one particular attribute while the invocation of the personal name includes each of the attributive names as well.
Similarly Ism e Allah Zaat, ( اَللّٰہُ ) is His personal name while Kareem, Raheem, Ghafoor, Ghafaar and other such Divine names are attributive names. They all are included in the personal name Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ). When a person invokes Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) he in fact remembers Allah with all His attributes.
Human being has knowledge of all names of Allah since eternity
Allah has blessed human beings with the aptitude of knowledge of Ism e Allah Zaat as well as all the other attributive names since eternity, as He says in Quran while mentioning the creation of Prophet Adam:
وَ عَلَّمَ اٰدَمَ الۡاَسۡمَآءَ کُلَّہَا
Meaning: And Allah taught Adam all the names. (Al-Baqarah 31).
From Adam, the aptitude of this knowledge was transferred inwardly to all his progeny.
So, when a person invokes a particular attributive name of Allah repeatedly, its light enlightens his innerself and he acts under the effects of the light of that name. For example when he invokes the attributive name the most Compassionate (Rehman) then this invocation affects him with the theophanies of this attributive name of Allah and the Divine light of this name penetrates him. Hence, Allah blessed him according to his capability with the Divine attribute of compassion and beneficence which prevails all over the universe and due to which all the creatures have the emotion of kindness and are compassionate towards each other. The invoker becomes the possessor of the attribute of Compassion and acts accordingly in his inward and outward matters. Similar are the effects of the invocation of other attributive names.
However, when a person remembers Allah with His personal name which is Ism e Allah Zaat, then Allah blesses him with the theophanies of His Essence which possesses all the Divine attributes, due to which the invoker witnesses the Divine light of the Essence within himself.
The meaning of names ‘Allah’ does not change
Like Allah Himself, His name is also unprecedented, peerless and unique because of its marvels, astonishing Essence and meaningfulness. Moreover the distinguished quality of this name is that if one gradually separates its letters, even then its meanings are not changed and in any case it remains Ism e Allah Zaat and is to address Allah only.
Removing the first letter
If the first letter ‘A’ ( ا ) of Allah Hoo ( اَللّٰہُ ) is removed it becomes Lillah ( لِلّٰہ ) in Arabic which means ‘for Allah’, it is also Ism e Allah Zaat. In the Quran, Allah says:
لِلّٰہِ مَافِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَمَافِی الْاَرْضِ
Meaning: Whatever exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. (Al-Baqarah 284)
Removing the second letter
If the first letter ‘L’ ( ل ) of Lillah ( لِلّٰہ ) is removed, it become LaHoo ( لَہُ ) in Arabic which means ‘for Him’. It is also Ism e Allah Zaat. As Allah says in Quran:
لَہُ الْمُلْکُ وَلَہُ الْحَمْدُ وَھُوَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیْئٍ قَدِیْر
Meaning: His is the entire kingdom and His is all the praise. And He is all-powerful over everything. (At-Taghabun 1)
Removing the third letter
If the second ‘L’ ( ل ) is also removed it becomes Hoo ( ھُوْ ) in Arabic. Hoo ( ھُوْ ) is a pronoun for Allah, as used many times in the Quran for Ism e Allah Zaat:
ھُوَ اللّٰہُ الَّذِیْ لَآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ھُوٰ
Meaning: Hoo ( ھُوْ ) is Allah besides whom there is no God. (Al-Hashr 22)
Allah says in the Quran:
اَللّٰہُ نُوۡرُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضِ ؕ
Meaning: Ism e Allah Zaat ( اَللّٰہُ ) is the light of the heavens and the earth. (An-Nur 35)
Ism e Azam- its Benefits and Significance
Ism e Allah Zaat is the sustenance of all the creation
- Sultan Bahoo books frequently talk about the benefits of Ism e Allah Zaat. In one of his books he said: From this Divine light (of Ism e Allah Zaat) all the creation manifested and hence, this light is the sustenance of all the creation. (Majalisa-tul-Nabi)
This means that Allah manifested in the form of the Mohammadan light from the light of Ism e Allah Zaat and then he created all the souls of the creation from it. The sustenance of human soul is the light of Ism e Allah Zaat. When one provides the souls with their sustenance, they gain the sight to see Allah Almighty.
Ism e Allah Zaat is Divine Essence
Hazrat Imam Hussain said talk about Ism e Zaat (Ism e Allah Zaat) in his book Mirat-ul-Arifeen:
“And manifested the eternal Reality through the creation and created the creation from the eternal Reality (i.e. His Own Essence) and scattered the written order, and wrote that in the hidden book with the revealing ink which was concealed in the inward of the Writer.
Completed the book with letters and sentences, inscribed the both in it, joined with discipline all this perfection which is in the Book in detail and then abridged it all in the opening chapter of Quran, what is written and hidden in this opening chapter is kept in Bismillah. This chapter is the comprehensive book for all the levels and worlds which are in the comprehensive Book. That is why, it is titled as the mother of all books while Bismillah (بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ ) is called mother of mothers.
It is also divided in two types; that which is related to the Essence is in ‘Bism’ (of Bismillah) and the other which is related to the attributes is the most Beneficent (Rehman) and the most Merciful (Raheem). What is between them is Ism e Allah Zaat. So it is comprehensive.”
The earth and skies are stable because of Ism e Allah Zaat
Sultan ul Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo about Ism e Azam said:
The seven layers of earth and skies are stable without any pillar only because of Ism e Allah Zaat. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Allah is One and only in name and Essence
Everyone has a name which is different from his essence but since Allah has no partners, therefore, He is One and only in His name (Allah Hoo) and Essence. Ism e Azam is, in fact, the Divine Essence and is specific for His Glorified Divine Self.
When Allah intended to manifest Himself, He descended from the world of Oneness towards the world of multiplicity and made Ism e Allah Zaat the source of His recognition. In a Qudsi Hadith Allah says:
کُنْتُ کَنْزًا مَخْفِیًا فَاَ حْبَبْتُ اَنْ اُعْرَفَ فَخَلَقْتُ الْخَلْقَ
Meaning: I was a hidden treasure, I desired to be recognized hence I created the creature.
‘Hidden treasure’ means that Allah had initially concealed His Essence as well as all His attributes. Then an intense desire to be recognized aroused in the Essence for which the simple word ‘I desired’ ( فَاَ حْبَبْتُ ) is used in the aforementioned Hadith but this desire aroused with such intensity that the Sufis interpreted it as the ardent Divine love.
Hence, the main reason behind the creation of all the created things was to recognize their Creator, as Allah has clearly said in the aforementioned Hadith.
How Sultan Bahoo elaborates this point
Sultan Bahoo said:
When Allah desired (to be recognized), He separated Ism e Allah Zaat from Himself (manifested Himself in the form of Ism e Azam). From Ism e Allah Zaat, the Mohammadan light manifested. When Allah beheld His reflection in the mirror of His Divine nature of Oneness (the Mohammadan light), He was fascinated and became fond of Himself, got the title of ‘the Holy Lord of all the lords’ and ‘the beloved of Allah’ from His own Divine court. Then He created the souls of all the creatures from the Mohammadan light. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Allah Almighty mentioned about Ism e Azam in Quran:
Sura ar-Ra’d
اَلَا بِذِکۡرِ اللّٰہِ تَطۡمَئِنُّ الۡقُلُوۡبُ
Meaning: Know that it is the invocation of Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat) alone that brings calm to the inwards. (Ar-Ra’d 28)
Sura Aal Imran
وَ مَنۡ یَّعۡتَصِمۡ بِاللّٰہِ فَقَدۡ ہُدِیَ اِلٰی صِرَاطٍ مُّسۡتَقِیۡمٍ ﴿۱۰۱﴾
Meaning: And whoever holds fast to Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat) is most surely guided to the straight path. (Aal Imran 101)
Sura al-Jumu’ah
وَ اذۡکُرُوا اللّٰہَ کَثِیۡرًا لَّعَلَّکُمۡ تُفۡلِحُوۡنَ ﴿۱۰﴾
Meaning: And invoke Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat) much so that you may attain to prosperity. (Al-Jumu’ah 10)
Sura al-Ahzab
یٰۤاَیُّہَاالَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوا اذۡکُرُوا اللّٰہَ ذِکۡرًا کَثِیۡرًا﴿ۙ۴۱﴾
Meaning: O Believers! Keep remembering Allah abundantly. (Al-Ahzab 41)
وَ الذّٰکِرِیۡنَ اللّٰہَ کَثِیۡرًا وَّ الذّٰکِرٰتِ ۙ اَعَدَّ اللّٰہُ لَہُمۡ مَّغۡفِرَۃً وَّ اَجۡرًا عَظِیۡمًا ﴿۳۵﴾
Meaning: the men who invoke Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat) abundantly and the women who invoke Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat) very much—Allah has prepared for all of them forgiveness and a mighty reward. (Al-Ahzab 35)
Sura al-Baqarah
فَاذۡکُرُوۡنِیۡۤ اَذۡکُرۡکُمۡ وَ اشۡکُرُوۡا لِیۡ وَ لَا تَکۡفُرُوۡنِ ﴿۱۵۲﴾
Meaning: So remember Me (through the invocation of My name), I shall remember you. And always be thankful to Me and never be ungrateful to Me (Al-Baqarah-152)
حٰفِظُوۡا عَلَی الصَّلَوٰتِ وَ الصَّلٰوۃِ الۡوُسۡطٰی ٭ ﴿۲۳۸﴾
Meaning: Guard strictly all the prayers, especially the middle prayer (the inward prayer i.e. invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat). (Al-Baqarah-238)
Sura al-Munafiqun
یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا لَا تُلۡہِکُمۡ اَمۡوَالُکُمۡ وَ لَاۤ اَوۡلَادُکُمۡ عَنۡ ذِکۡرِ اللّٰہِ ۚ وَ مَنۡ یَّفۡعَلۡ ذٰلِکَ فَاُولٰٓئِکَ ہُمُ الۡخٰسِرُوۡنَ۔
Meaning: O believers! Let not your wealth and your children make you neglectful of the very invocation of Allah. And whoever does so, it is they who are the losers. (Al-Munafiqun 9)
Sura Al-Ma’idah
اِنَّمَا یُرِیۡدُ الشَّیۡطٰنُ اَنۡ یُّوۡقِعَ بَیۡنَکُمُ الۡعَدَاوَۃَ وَ الۡبَغۡضَآءَ فِی الۡخَمۡرِ وَ الۡمَیۡسِرِ وَ یَصُدَّکُمۡ عَنۡ ذِکۡرِ اللّٰہِ وَ عَنِ الصَّلٰوۃِ ۚ
Meaning: Satan seeks only to breed enmity and spite amongst you by means of wine and gambling, and hinder you from invoking Allah and observing Prayer. (Al-Ma’idah 91)
The following verses prove that the Muslims who are negligent of the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat are the depraved ones. Allah threatens them of hard punishment and He has forbidden others to have close relationship with such people.
Sura an-Najm
Allah says:
فَاَعۡرِضۡ عَنۡ مَّنۡ تَوَلّٰی ۬ۙ عَنۡ ذِکۡرِنَا وَ لَمۡ یُرِدۡ اِلَّا الۡحَیٰوۃَ الدُّنۡیَا ﴿ؕ۲۹﴾
ذٰلِکَ مَبۡلَغُہُمۡ مِّنَ الۡعِلۡمِ ؕ اِنَّ رَبَّکَ ہُوَ اَعۡلَمُ بِمَنۡ ضَلَّ عَنۡ سَبِیۡلِہٖ ۙ وَ ہُوَ اَعۡلَمُ بِمَنِ اہۡتَدٰی ﴿۳۰﴾
Meaning: So divert your attention from him who turns away from Our invocation and desires nothing but the life of this world. That is but the limit of the working of their knowledge. Verily, your Lord fully knows him who has strayed from His path and (also) knows him best who has attained guidance. (An-Najm 29-30)
Sura az-Zumar
The invocation of the name Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) creates light of faith in the inward. Therefore, one who is ignorant of its invocation is declared as depraved. It is the saying of Allah:
اَفَمَنۡ شَرَحَ اللّٰہُ صَدۡرَہٗ لِلۡاِسۡلَامِ فَہُوَ عَلٰی نُوۡرٍ مِّنۡ رَّبِّہٖ ؕ فَوَیۡلٌ لِّلۡقٰسِیَۃِ قُلُوۡبُہُمۡ مِّنۡ ذِکۡرِ اللّٰہِ ؕ اُولٰٓئِکَ فِیۡ ضَلٰلٍ مُّبِیۡنٍ ﴿۲۲﴾
Meaning: Well! He whose breast Allah has opened for Islam (by the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat) is (stationed) in the light from his Lord. (But on the contrary) those whose inwards are hardened for (being deprived of the bounty of) Allah’s invocation are destined to ruin. It is they who are in open error. (Az-Zumar 22)
Hadiths About Ism e Allah Zaat (Ism e Azam)
Abu Saeed al-Khudri razi Allah anhunarrates that someone asked the Holy Prophet:
“Who among men will be superior in rank near Allah on doomsday?”
The Holy Prophet said:
“Those men and women who excessively (do dhikr Allah i.e.) invoke the name of Allah ( اَللّٰہُ )”.
He (the narrator) submitted:
“O Messenger of Allah, even above those who fight in the way of Allah?”
The Holy Prophet said:
“Yes! If they were to strike with their sword among the disbelievers and the idolaters, until it breaks and gets dyed in blood, those who invoke the name of Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) much would still be superior in rank.” (Ahmad and Al-Tirmidhi)
Abu Musa al-Ashari razi Allah anhunarrates that the Holy Prophet said:
“He who invokes the name of Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) and he who doesn ot, are like the living and the dead respectively.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
The Holy Prophet said:
اَ لْاَنْفَاسُ مَعْدُوْدَۃٌ وَکُلُّ نَفْسٍ یَّخْرُجُ بِغَیْرِ ذِکْرِاللّٰہِ تَعَالٰی فَھُوَ مَیِّتُ
Meaning: Every person has counted breaths; every breath which leaves the body without invocation of Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) is lifeless.
The aforementioned Hadiths of Prophet Mohammad verify the importance of dhikr of Allah or Ism e Azam wazifa.
A breath without the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat is heathen
According to Sultan Bahoo Ism e Azam is the powerful zikr or the best zikr of Allah. This is elaborated that as follows:
جو دم غافل سو دم کافر، سانوں مرشد ایہہ پڑھایا ھو
سنیا سخن گیاں کھل اکھیں، اساں چِت مولا ول لایا ھو
کیتی جان حوالے رب دے، اساں ایسا عشق کمایا ھو
مرن توں اگے مر گئے باھوؒ ، تاں مطلب نوں پایا ھو
Explanation: Sultan Bahoo says that the spiritual guide has taught me the lesson that a breath without the invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat is heathen. Since I have heard this saying, I have made my inward oblige to it. I have done such a trade for Divine love in which I have devoted my whole life to submit to Allah’s will. Moreover I have given up my will and intentions. Allah blesses a person with His union who dies before death.
The best invocation is Ism e Allah Zaat
It is the saying of Prophet Mohammad sall’Allahu alayhi wa’alihi wasallam:
طَلَبَ الْخَیرِْ طَلَبَ اللّٰہِ وَذِکْرُ الْخَیرِ ذکْرُ اللّٰہِ
Meaning: The best desire is the desire of Allah and the best invocation is of the name of Allah (Ism e Allah Zaat).
Therefore Allah has ordered many times to invoke the name Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ).
Benefits of Zikr Ism e Allah Zaat
The inward invocation of Ism e Azam, the name of Allah (qalbi zikr) is the eternal prayer. The Holy Prophet explained the purpose of invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat in the following Hadith:
لِکُلِّ شَیْئِِ مُصْقِلَۃٌوَّمُصْقِلَۃُالْقَلْبِ ذِکْرُاَللّٰہِ تَعَالیٰ
Meaning: For everything there is a burnisher and the burnisher of inward is the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat.
Now, it is clear that Allah has ordered the invocation of Ism e Azam, the name of Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) for the purification and cleansing of inward. In fact, inward is the mirror in which the light of Allah can be observed, but only if it is clean. That is why we should always remain busy in (zikr e Ilahi) invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat to keep our inward pure and clean from the filth of this material world.
Ism e Allah Zaat Make inward pellucid like a mirror
Sultan Bahoo explains the aforementioned Hadith in these words:
دل کر صیقل شیشے وانگوں باھوؒ ، دور تھیون کل پردے ھو
Explanation: Make your inward pellucid like a mirror, then all your veils will remove. The cleaner the mirror of your inward is, the clearer is the reflection of the light of Allah in it. This is possible only through the invocation of Ism e Azam.
Which act is most elevated near Allah?
The Holy Prophet said to his sacred Companions:
“Let me tell you the act which is the most favourite and most elevated near Allah and best of all deeds, even better than spending gold and silver in the way of Allah or fighting for the religious cause and killing the enemies of Allah or being killed by them?”
The Companions replied:
“Why not O Prophet of Allah! Do tell us.”
He exclaimed:
“It is the invocation of Allah”. (meaning invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat). (Al-Tirmidhi)
Ism e Azam is the most powerful name of Allah
Ism e Allah Zaat is superior to all invocations meaning it is Sultan ul Azkar. Someone asked Salman the Persian that which deed is the most supreme? He answered, “Haven’t you read the Quran, Allah says:
وَلَذِکْرُاللّٰہِِ اَکْبَر
Meaning: Nothing is superior to the invocation of Allah.
Invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat as in Qudsi Hadith
Qudsi Hadiths:
اِذَارَأَیْتَ عَبْدِیْ لَایَذْکُرُنِیْ فَاَنَا اَحْجَبَہُ عَنْ ذَلِکَ
Meaning: When you see that My slave is not performing My invocation, understand that I have put a veil before him.
اَنَا مَعُ عَبْدِیْ یَذْکُرُوْنِیْ فِیْ تَحَرُّکِ الشَّفَتَانِ اَنَا عِنْدَ ظَنِّ عَبْدِیْ بِیْ اَنَا مَعَہُ اِذَا ذَکَرَنِیْ فَاِذَا ذَ کَرَنیِْ فِیْ نَفْسِہٖ ذَکَرْتَہ‘ فیِْ نَفْسِیْ وَاِذَا ذَکَرَنیِْ فیِْ مَلَاءِ ذَکَرْتُہ‘ فیِْ مَلَاءٍ خَیْرٌ مِّنْھُمْ
Meaning: I am with My slave when he remembers Me by moving his lips (by doing the invocation of Allah with tongue). I am as My slave perceives Me. I am with him when he invokes Me. When he remembers Me secretly within himself I also remember him secretly. And when he remembers Me in a gathering, I also remember him in a better gathering.
All the Quranic verses and Hadiths mentioned above prove that the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat ( اَللّٰہُ ) is the greatest of all the prayers.
Remembering Allah by tongue
One way of invocation is to remember Allah by tongue. It includes the recitation of Quranic verses, Islamic creed (Kalimah Tayyibah), darood (blessings upon the Holy Prophet) and all other prayers done physically. Such invocation is a source of getting reward and a better place in heaven.
How to do Zikr of Allah?
Ism e Allah Zaat is zikr e qalbi (silent zikr) and one of the secrets of Allah. It is in fact remembering Allah by breaths. Sultan Bahoo talk about the benefits of zikr e qalbi (Ism e Allah Zaat, Ism e Azam) in one of this books in the following words:
The invocation which actually opens the doors of spiritual world is the invocation with breaths (pas infas) in which invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat is performed through inhale and exhale of breath. It is the king of invocations (Sultan-ul-Azkar).
Salat is also a way of invocation of Allah
Salat is offered to attain marifat e Elahi (gnosis of Allah) and is also a way of invocation of Allah, as Allah says:
وَ اَقِمِ الصَّلٰوۃَ لِذِکۡرِیۡ
Meaning: And establish salat for the sake of My invocation. (Ta-Ha 14)
Allah wants His men to invoke His name not only during salat but continuously, as He commands:
فَاِذَا قَضَیۡتُمُ الصَّلٰوۃَ فَاذۡکُرُوا اللّٰہَ قِیٰمًا وَّ قُعُوۡدًا وَّ عَلٰی جُنُوۡبِکُمۡ
Meaning: So (O Muslims) when you have finished your salat, invoke personal name of Allah (in all postures) standing, sitting and lying on your sides. (An-Nisa-103)
In this verse ‘lying on your sides’ refers to ‘sleeping’. One has to invoke Ism e Allah Zaat ( اَللّٰہُ ) while sleeping also. During sleep only the invocation through breathing is possible because the breath does not stop even while sleeping. To reach Ism e Zaat one need to have gnosis of Ism e Allah Zaat which is possible only through marifat zikar. Now what is zikr of marifat or gnosis? Undoubtedly, it is refers to Ism e Azam wazifa that is Ism e Allah Zaat.
How one should perform invocation?
Allah has also explained how one should do this invocation:
وَ اذۡکُرۡ رَّبَّکَ اِذَا نَسِیۡتَ
Meaning: And invoke your Lord when you forget (everything else). (Al-Kahf 24)
What one should invoke?
Allah also mentions in the following verse that one should invoke Ism e Azam/ Ism e Allah Zaat:
وَ اذۡکُرِ اسۡمَ رَبِّکَ وَ تَبَتَّلۡ اِلَیۡہِ تَبۡتِیۡلًا
Meaning: And continue invoking the name of your Lord (Ism e Allah Zaat اَللّٰہُ ), devoted completely to Him alone (in your inward and soul), broken away from everyone else. (Al-Muzzammil 08)
سَبِّحِ اسۡمَ رَبِّکَ الۡاَعۡلَی
Meaning: Glorify the name of your Holy Lord (Ism e Allah Zaat اَللّٰہُ ), the most High. (Al-A’laa 1)
The first revelation was About the recitation Ism e Allah Zaat
Even the first revelation was an order of recitation of Allah’s name (Ism e Azam):
اِقۡرَاۡ بِاسۡمِ رَبِّکَ الَّذِیۡ خَلَقَ۔
Meaning: (O beloved!) Read with the name of Allah (اَللّٰہُ ), who has created (everything). (Al-Alaq 1)
( 74, 96 فَسَبِّحْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّکَ الْعَظِیْمِ ( حاقتہ:52 , واقعہ
Meaning: So, (O esteemed beloved,) glorify your Lord, (with His personal name اَللّٰہُ ), the most Magnificent, with persistence. (Al-Haqqah 52, Al-Waqi’ah 74,96)
The proper and desired way of invocation
Allah also describes the proper and desired way of invocation:
وَاذْکُرْرَّبَّکَ فِیْ نَفْسِکَ تَضَرُّعًا وَّ خِیْفَۃً وَّ دُوْنَ الْجَھْرِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْاٰصَالِ وَلَا تَکُنْ مِّنَ الْغٰفِلِیْنَ
Meaning: And invoke your Lord (اَللّٰہُ ) with humility and tearful submissiveness and fear and repent and also by calling in low tones. Morning and evening and be not among the neglectful. (Al-A’raf 205)
اُدۡعُوۡا رَبَّکُمۡ تَضَرُّعًا وَّ خُفۡیَۃً ؕ اِنَّہٗ لَا یُحِبُّ الۡمُعۡتَدِیۡنَ
Meaning: Invoke your Lord (اَللّٰہُ ) most submissively and quietly. Surely, He does not like the transgressors. (Al-A’raf 55)
Those negligent of invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat/ Ism e Azam
Allah has strictly forbidden to follow those who are negligent of His invocation:
وَ اصۡبِرۡ نَفۡسَکَ مَعَ الَّذِیۡنَ یَدۡعُوۡنَ رَبَّہُمۡ بِالۡغَدٰوۃِ وَ الۡعَشِیِّ یُرِیۡدُوۡنَ وَجۡہَہٗ وَ لَا تَعۡدُ عَیۡنٰکَ عَنۡہُمۡ ۚ
تُرِیۡدُ زِیۡنَۃَ الۡحَیٰوۃِ الدُّنۡیَا ۚ وَ لَا تُطِعۡ مَنۡ اَغۡفَلۡنَا قَلۡبَہٗ عَنۡ ذِکۡرِنَا وَ اتَّبَعَ ہَوٰىہُ وَ کَانَ اَمۡرُہٗ فُرُطًا ﴿۲۸﴾
Meaning: (O My beloved!) Stay tenaciously in the companionship of those who remember their Lord morning and evening, ardently seeking His pleasure, (keen on the glimpse of His sight, and eagerly aspiring to glance at His radiant Countenance). Your (affectionate and caring) looks must not but focus them. Do you seek the charisma of the worldly life (shifting your attention away from these self-denying devotees)? And (also) do not follow him whose inward We have made neglectful of Our invocation, and who follows but the desires of his (evil-inciting innerself) and his case has exceeded all bounds. (Al-Kahf 28)
Invoke and contemplate Ism e Allah Zaat/ Ism e Azam under the guidance of the perfect Murshid
So the crux of all aforementioned discussion is that to achieve the main aim of life i.e. the gnosis of Allah, to get nourishment and prosperity of the soul, to achieve a righteous inward and satisfied innerself, to get inner enlightenment, to please Allah and to reach the level of Miraj, it is necessary for every Muslim and true believer to seek Ism e Allah Zaat and then invoke and contemplate it under the guidance of a perfect spiritual guide (Murshid Kamil Akmal) of the Sarwari Qadri order.
A person who does not invoke Ism e Allah Zaat is captured by Satan
There is no other way to reach the eternal destination that is Allah. Moreover the person who does not perform the invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat then Satan and innerself (nafs) captures his whole being. Hence, they occupy the inward and mind of that person and overcome all his senses just like the air creeper enwraps the whole tree. He becomes completely oblivious of the reality and truth because his soul could not get its required sustenance. Therefore it is important that one must invocate Ism e Azam and engross in muraqaba (tasawar meaning in Urdu and Sufi term for meditation) Allah says in the Holy Quran:
وَ مَنۡ اَعۡرَضَ عَنۡ ذِکۡرِیۡ فَاِنَّ لَہٗ مَعِیۡشَۃً ضَنۡکًا وَّ نَحۡشُرُہٗ یَوۡمَ الۡقِیٰمَۃِ اَعۡمٰی
Meaning: And whoever turns away from My invocation, his (spiritual) sustenance will be narrowed and We shall raise him blind on the day of Resurrection. (Ta-Ha 124)
Those who do not Ism e Azam are Spiritually blind
It means that the person who does not find the blessing of vision and recognition of Allah in this world remains blind spiritually. Due to this blindness he would not be able to see and recognize Allah on the doomsday, as Allah will raise him blind on that day. And the gnosis of Allah is attained only by invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat / Ism e Azam under the supervision of perfect Murshid. Allah declares:
وَ مَنۡ کَانَ فِیۡ ہٰذِہٖۤ اَعۡمٰی فَہُوَ فِی الۡاٰخِرَۃِ اَعۡمٰی
Meaning: And whoever remains blind (inwardly) in this world will be blind in the hereafter as well. (Bani Israil 72)
Allah created the world for His recognition and vision
Allah created this world only because He wanted to be recognized. He desired to manifest His beauty and magnificence and longed to have someone who would love Him ardently after seeing His beauty. So the main purpose of man’s creation is the recognition and Divine vision. The power of sight is the best source of recognizing anything, other senses cannot give complete recognition of things. So, the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat with sight and its invocation with breath are the best sources of finding blessing of the vision and recognition of Allah.
By imprinting the Ism e Allah Zaat (اَللّٰہُ ) on our soul through contemplation and meditation, it leaves its impressions on our inner being and influences it with its great powers. Hence, giving life to the soul. This method focuses invocation and contemplation on the soul. By other methods of invocation, the invoker cannot achieve his objective which is to enlighten the inner eyes and enliven the soul. When the eyes of the soul enlightens by the light of Allah, this powerful enlightened insight confers the Divine vision and recognition upon the soul. Then the seeker ever remains engrossed in beholding the Divine Self.
Contemplation means meditation and concentration upon a point. Invocation and contemplation are interrelated. It is not possible to separate them. Our brain always keeps thinking about one thing or the other. This thinking is a form of remembrance and invocation. Whatever we think about, its picture flashes before our eyes. If we think about our family, their faces come before our eyes. If it is our house then its image comes in our mind. Hence this is contemplation. This series of invocation and contemplation always continue. That is why, our attachment and love with worldly relations and things become stronger as we are always absorbed in their thoughts. This relation and attachment is the result of their continuous invocation and contemplation.
The Mystics and Saints divert this worldly invocation and contemplation towards Allah in order to build strong relation of soul with Allah through invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat. The way a diamond cuts diamond and a water logged land revitalizes by water only, similarly, it is the (Divine) invocation that overcomes (worldly, satanic and inciting innerselves) invocation and similarly it is the contemplation that overcomes contemplation. One only needs to replace the subject. If we invoke and contemplate the personal name of Allah continuously, rather than the thoughts of transitory worldly relations and objects, then our love for Allah starts developing. Our soul attracts towards Him and we get closer to Him with every breath.
Muslim theologians, pious and ascetics in every age searched for the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam) but except a very few Mystics (Arifs) no one could accomplish in it. It means they could not reach its Essence. Undoubtedly, they accessed spiritual ranks and status through the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat ( اَللّٰہُ ) but stayed deprived of reaching Oneness with Allah and His union.
Ism e Azam sustains in a pure being
Sultan Bahoo said:
Listen! The scholars cannot find the greatest name of Allah from the holy Quran because it sustains only in a sacred existence. Even if one finds it and recites it, it would not affect him due to his impure being. The invocation does not continue in the inward of a person without the greatest name of Allah and it only sustains in the pure being of an accomplished and perfect Fakir or the religious scholars who practise what they preach. In fact, such scholars are only the perfect Fakirs. One who trusts and depends on the greatest name of Allah instead of Allah is a fool. Only those get to the reality of it who have found blessings with its Divine qualities and whose inward possess it. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Ism e Allah Zaat is the greatest name of Allah
The Ism e Allah Zaat (AllahHoo, Lillah, LaHoo and Hoo اَللّٰہُ لِلّٰہ لَہُ ھُو ) are the great names of Allah (Ism e Azam). (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Piety (Taqwa) is achieved through Ism e Allah Zaat
Whoever achieved the levels of piety, it was through the Ism e Allah Zaat. AllahHoo ( اَللّٰہُ ) has four Divine names. Firstly, the name AllahHoo ( اَللّٰہُ ) itself, whose invocation is the most gracious. When اَ of اَللّٰہُ is separated, it becomes لِلّٰہ (Lillah). The invocation of لِلّٰہ (Lillah) is the Divine beneficence. When first لَ of لِلّٰہ is separated, it becomes لَہُ (LaHoo). The invocation of لَہُ (LaHoo) is the Divine blessing. When second لَ of لَہُ is separated it becomes ھُو (Hoo) and invocation of (Hoo ھُو ) is the Divine favour. Hence, Allah says: لَاۤ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ i.e. there is no one to be worshipped except ھُو (Al-Baqarah 255). Seek only Allah, everything other than Allah is lust. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Hadiths on the greatest name of Allah
There are many Ism e Azam Hadith that prove it’s significance and exalted rank.
The Holy Prophet heard a man saying:
اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنِّیْ اَسْئَلُکَ بِاِنّیِْ شَھِدَ اَ نَّکَ اَ نْتَ اللّٰہُ لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اَنْتَ الْاَحَدُالصَّمَدُالَّذِیْ لَمْ یَلِدْ وَلَمْ یُوْ لَدْ وَلَمْ یَکُنْ لَّہ ٗ کُفُوًا اَحَدْ
On hearing this, the Holy Prophet said:
“I swear by Allah, in whose hand is my soul, this person prayed mentioning the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam), through which Allah gives anything that is asked and accepts any prayer.”
A Hadith says that greatest name of Allah is in between the following two verses (Ibn Abi Shayba, Abu Dawood and Al-Tirmidhi):
اِلٰھُکُمْ اِلٰہٌ وَّاحِدْ لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ھُوَالرَّحَمٰنُ الرَّ حِیْم
آلٓمَّ اَللّٰہُ لَآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ھُوَ الْحَیُّ الْقَیُّوْم
A Hadith relates that Hazrat Ayesha razi Allah anha prayed to Allah saying:
اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنّیِْ اَ دْعُوْکَ اللّٰہُ وَا دْ عُوْکَ الرَّحْمٰنُ وَادْعُوْکَ بِاَسْمَا أکَ الْحُسْنٰی کُلِّھَامَاعَلِمْتُ مِنْھَا مَالَمْ اَ عْلَمْ
Then the Holy Prophet said:
“The greatest name of Allah is (hidden) in these words”.
Ibn Arabi says in Futuhat-e-Makkiyyah
Ibn-e-Arabi writes in Futuhat-e-Makkiyyah:
“Hoo ھُو is the most elevated and the ultimate invocation of Mystics.”
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani says About Ism e Azam
Al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Ghaus ul Azam) says:
“Ism e Allah Zaat is the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam) but one condition to oblige by is that when Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) is said once with true inward, there should not remain anyone other than Allah in inward.
Bismillah is in Ism e Allah Zaat
Sultan Bahoo also says that:
ب بِسمِ اللہ اِسم اللہ دا ، اے وِی گہناں بھارا ھو
Explanation: In Bismillah is concealed the Ism e Allah Zaat and this is the Divine Trust which in pre-existence was presented to everything of the universe but they refused and man took up the great responsibility.
Taurah, Gospel, Psalms and Quran are the explanation of Ism e Allah Zaat
Sultan Bahoo further said
Listen! All the four holy books, Taurah, Gospel, Psalms and Quran are just the explanation of Ism e Allah Zaat. What is Ism e Allah Zaat? Ism e Allah Zaat is exactly the Divine Essence. All Prophets got Prophethood and won over the disbelievers only due to the power of Ism e Allah Zaat. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
The greatest name of Allah, Ism e Allah Zaat unfolds because of the perfect spiritual guide
From the aforementioned Hadiths and traditions it is established that in reality Ism e Allah Zaat is the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam) because in every Hadith and tradition Ism e Allah Zaat (Allah Hoo, Lillah, LaHoo and Hoo اَللّٰہُ للہ لَہُ ھُو ) is present in any of its forms.
Sultan Bahoo says that without the spiritually effective sight (of the perfect spiritual guide), the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam) does not unfold.
Hence, one can ascertain that Ism e Allah Zaat is Allah’s greatest name but it unfolds when the perfect spiritual guide gives its inward persuasion.
Sultan Bahoo has written 140 books and every book is an explanation of Ism e Allah Zaat. The way he has explained the reality, splendour and secrets of Ism e Allah Zaat, no one else could do.
Why negligent of Ism e Allah Zaat and obsessed with reading books?
He said:
خیال خواندن چندیں کتب چرا است ترا
الف بس است اگر فہم ایں ادا است ترا
Explanation: Why the thought of reading too many books has obsessed you! If you understand, then only the knowledge of Alif (Ism e Allah Zaat) is enough for you. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Ism e Allah Zaat takes to the extremities of Faqr
اسمِ اللہ راہبر است در ہر مقام
از اسمِ اللہ یافتند فقرش تمام
Explanation: (Invocation of) Ism e Allah Zaat guides the seekers of Allah at every stage and lets them reach the extreme stage of Faqr. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Converse with Allah inwardly without moving tongue
اسمِ اللہ ذوق بخشد باوصال
بے زبانے سخن گوید قیل و قال
Explanation: By the contemplation of the name ‘Allah’ ( اَللّٰہُ ), the contemplator becomes keen for Allah. He remains unified with Allah every moment and converses with Him inwardly, without speaking with the tongue. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Saying Ism e Allah Zaat once is better than any good deed
آں روز یاد کن کہ یارے تو کس نہ باشد
جز عمل و ایمان دیگرے ہمراہِ تو کس نہ باشد
باھوؒ! بہ ازیں نہ باشد یک بار گفتن اللہ
اللہ بس ترا شد خطے کش بر سویٰ اللہ
Explanation: Remind yourself of the day when you would not have any friend except your faith and good deeds. O Bahoo if you say ‘Allah’ ( اَللّٰہُ ) once inwardly, it is better than every good deed. Leave everything other than Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) and be sure that only Allah ( اَللّٰہُ ) is sufficient for you. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Ism e Allah Zaat is the grand Trust of Allah
اسمِ اللہ بس گراں است بس عظیم
ایں حقیقت یافتہ نبیؐ کریم
Explanation: Ism e Allah Zaat is the priceless and grandest holy treasure. Only Prophet Mohammad know its reality. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Darkness of innerself is removed by Ism e Allah Zaat
اسمِ اللہ ہمچو در دِل آفتاب
ظلمت از انوارِ او گردد خراب
نامِ اللہ گشت آسان بر زبان
کنہہ اللہ مشکل است سِر نہاں
Explanation: When the great name ‘Allah’ ( اَللّٰہُ ) brightens your inward like sun, all the darkness removes from your innerself by its Divine light. It is very easy to invoke Allah’s name by tongue but it is very difficult to reach its secret and hidden reality. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Ism e Allah Zaat is the Divine Essence
Ism e Allah Zaat is exactly the same as the Divine Self. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Ism e Allah Zaat is not separate from the Divine Essence
Mansur Hallaj in Tawasin explains it as:
“If a person says that he has recognized Him (Allah Almighty) through His name (Ism e Allah Zaat) then he should remember that name is not separate from the Essence because He is non creation”.
Invocation of Allah’s Name is obligatory
Sultan Bahoo says about invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat:
Whenever Allah Almighty made any form of worship obligatory, He then also fixed its limit (the number of times it should be performed) but the invocation (of Ism e Allah Zaat) has no limitations which means that it should be performed (as Allah orders it) while standing, sitting and lying, day and night, on land or water, while travelling or during sojourn, in richness and in destitution, while in health or in sickness, secretly and loudly, the invocation of Allah’s name is obligatory (to be performed with every breath). (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Ism e Allah Zaat makes one the beloved of Allah
Sultan Bahoo says in the honour of the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat:
Listen! All the four holy books i.e. Taurah, Gospel, Psalms and Quran are just the explanation of Ism e Allah Zaat. What is Ism e Allah Zaat? Ism e Allah Zaat is exactly the Divine Essence. It is incomparable, unparalleled, doubtless and unexemplified, for it is said
قُلۡ ہُوَ اللّٰہُ اَحَدٌ ۚ﴿۱﴾
Meaning: O Beloved! Say unto them Allah is One.
Whoever recites and learns (the reality of) Ism e Allah Zaat inwardly, becomes the beloved of Allah. By the recitation and invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat, one gains inspirational knowledge about which Allah says:
وَ عَلَّمَ اٰدَمَ الۡاَسۡمَآءَ کُلَّہَا
Meaning: And Allah taught Adam all the names. (Al-Baqarah-31)
Allah says:
مِمَّا لَمۡ یُذۡکَرِ اسۡمُ اللّٰہِ عَلَیۡہِ وَ اِنَّہٗ لَفِسۡقٌ ؕ
Meaning: Do not take anything upon which Ism e Allah Zaat has not been recited, it is verily a sin (to have it). (Al-An’am 121) (Ain-ul-Faqr)
The medium connecting Allah and His slave is Ism e Allah Zaat
Keep in mind that the ascension of the Holy Prophet to the station of Qab Qausain (the ultimate nearness) higher than the Throne, the Chair, the Pen, the Tablet and then talking to Allah without any veil in between was only due to the benediction of Ism e Allah Zaat because Ism e Allah Zaat is the key to both the worlds.
The seven layers of earth and skies are stable without any pillar only because of Ism e Allah Zaat. All the Prophets got Prophethood and won over the disbelievers only due to the power of Ism e Allah Zaat. Their slogan was always, “Only Allah is enough for our help”. The medium connecting Allah and His slave is Ism e Allah Zaat. All the Saints and friends of Allah whether Ghaus or Qutb got the beneficence of invocation, meditation, inspiration, absorption in Divine Oneness, concentration, unveiling and miracles by the grace of Ism e Allah Zaat. Ism e Allah Zaat reveals such inspirational knowledge that one does not need to gain any other knowledge. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Detach inwardly from everything other than Allah
ہر کراں بہ اسمِ اللہ شد قرار
ہر چہ باشد غیر اللہ زاں فرار
Explanation: One who finds attachment with Ism e Allah Zaat, gets detached from everything other than Allah. (This is possible only through the invocation of Ism e Azam.) (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Ism e Allah Zaat separates from innerself (nafs)
Which is the knowledge that separates a person from his innerself (nafs) without any mystic exercise and endeavour in a moment? That knowledge is the ‘contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat’ through which the seeker of Allah is honoured with His vision and the reality of innerself (nafs). (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Reach Allah through Ism e Allah Zaat
Sultan Bahoo says contemplation and invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat is the only way to reach Allah. Sultan Bahoo said:
The complete knowledge of the Quran, its verses and the Hadiths, all the knowledge written on the Divine Tablet, the Throne and the Chair, all the hidden knowledge of the physical world of the kingdom of the Providence, all the secrets of Allah Almighty, all the knowledge of the Taurah, Gospel, Psalms and Quran, all the Divine Decree and reinforcements, all the exoteric and esoteric affairs, all the affairs relating to innerself (nafs), inward, soul and sir’r and all the Divine matters which prevail in the entire creation of universe of creation (Alam al-Khalq) are all in the core of Ism e Allah Zaat. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Divine vision and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly is possible only by Ism e Allah Zaat
The true mystic path which is free from any fault or retraction is the one through which a seeker can reach such a high spiritual status where he is blessed with the Divine vision whenever he wants and finds presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. He can meet all the Prophets and Saints whenever he wishes. One achieves this Divine favour only by the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Ism e Allah Zaat creates Divine light in the inward
By the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat, the light of Divine vision creates in the inward. While the excess of prayers, meditations and recitals create inclination of people towards the reciter which makes his innerself (nafs) more proud and haughty. Satanic illusions and misperceptions appear in physical form before him and that fool misunderstand them as Divine presence. Beware!
کُلُّ اَنَا ءِِ یَتَرَشَّحُ بِمَا فِیْہِ
Meaning: Whatever comes out of the vessel, is what it contains. Check yourself according to this Hadith. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
On doomsday Ism e Allah Zaat will make the scale of good deeds heavier
On the doomsday, when the account of good and bad deeds of people would be reckoned, the person on whose inward Ism e Allah Zaat would be engraved and who would have recited Ism e Allah Zaat sincerely only once in life would be forgiven, even if his sins would be equal to the fourteen layers of the earth and the skies.
When the angels will put all his sins on one side of the scale and his single good deed of recitation of Ism e Allah Zaat on the other, the side with Ism e Allah Zaat would be heavier. The angels would surprisingly ask:
“O Allah! Only one good deed of this person made the side of good deeds of the scale heavier. May we know what that good deed is?”
Allah would say:
“This person is My seeker and used to remain occupied in the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat. O angels! You are among those who remain veiled from My real worship which is the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat. When My seekers do the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat I am with them and they are with Me. You are the strangers.”
Only Allah! Everything other than Allah is lust. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
All worships are wasted if one is ignorant of Ism e Allah Zaat
If a person spends all his life in praying, fasting, giving charity, hajj, reciting Quran and doing all the other physical prayers or has got excellence as a religious scholar, but is ignorant of Ism e Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad, then all his life and prayers are ruined and wasted. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
One breath taken in the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat is better than learning thousand Islamic laws
To learn one law of Islamic jurisprudence is better than a sincere prayer of one year, while one breath taken in the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat is better than learning thousand Islamic laws. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Allah says. “I am here My slave.”
When a Fakir annihilated in Allah and immortal with Him is performing the invocation engrossed in Allah, the sky says:
“I wish I was the earth, sitting upon which, the Fakir is engrossed in invocation of Allah.”
While the earth says:
“All praises for Allah, I am so blessed that I am having the pleasure from the invocation of Allah.”
When every cell, hair, flesh, bones, skin, brain, inward, soul that is each and every part of the body of the seeker of Allah does the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat ( اَللّٰہُ ) and Allah responds to his invocation by saying
لَبَّیْکَ عَبْدِیْ
Meaning: I am here My slave.
The angels feel envious that they had been prostrating and glorifying Allah all their life but Allah never responded to them in this way, they wish that they were humans. Therefore, recognize your importance O slave of Allah and be amongst the special ones. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Fakir’s entire existence invokes Ism e Allah Zaat
Fakir’s entire existence invokes Ism e Allah Zaat. Even his bones, eyes and skin do the invocation. Hence for the invoker of Ism e Allah Zaat from the inward, his entire being becomes Ism e Allah Zaat and invokes it…..The existence of such a Fakir is an archetype of powers of Allah Almighty. (Mohabbat-ul-Asrar)
Divine secrets are beheld through Ism e Allah Zaat
The Fakir, who attains the ultimate level of Faqr that is Sultan of Waham, finds blessing with the revelation of entire knowledge from the Divine closeness. The messengers from Allah bring infinite inspirations to him which contain the hidden and intuitive knowledge of religion. The immortal Mystics cover thousands, rather lacs and crores of spiritual stations in just a moment by the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat. (Qurb-e-Deedar)
Ism e Allah Zaat kills innerself (nafs) and vivifies soul
Without the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat, neither the innerself (nafs) dies nor the soul enlivens even if a person perpetually recites Quran or gets complete knowledge of laws of religion and jurisprudence. Or exhausts and consumes while doing hard mystic struggles and devotional exercises. None of his hard work bears fruit without the mystic exercise of contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat. His inward remains filthy and black as it was. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Filth of misbelief is removed by Ism e Allah Zaat
The darkness and rust of sins and the filth of misbelief removes from the inward with the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Ism e Azam provides safest refuge against Satan
Contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat proves to be the safest refuge for its possessor against Satan and its disciples. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Hoo ھُو
Sultan Bahoo writes the effects of the king of invocations Hoo ھُو in his books Ain-ul-Faqr, Nur-ul-Huda Kalan and Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan:
Sultan Bahoo is completely annihilated in Hoo ھُو
باھو در ھو گم شدہ فی اللہ فنا
نام باھوؒ متصل شد با خدا
Explanation: Bahoo has completely annihilated in ھُو (Arabic term fana fillah, in Urdu means Allah ki zaat mei khud ko meetana) has become immortal (baqa) with Him. The name of Bahoo has Hoo as he is never apart from Allah.
Annihilation in the light of Divine Essence
باھُو در ھُو گم شدہ گم نام را کے یافتہ؟
ہم صحبتم با مصطفٰیؐ در نور فی اللہ ساختہ
Explanation: Bahoo has annihilated in Hoo, how can you find someone who has completely annihilated? After annihilation in the light of the Divine Essence, I have found eternal presence in the Mohammadan Assembly.
People benefit from the spiritual order of Sultan Bahoo
از قبرِ باھوؒ ھو برآید حق بنام
ذاکراں را انتہا ھو شد تمام
Explanation: Even after the death of Sultan Bahoo, voices of ‘Hoo ھُو ’ are raised from his grave and the true seekers are benefitted from his spiritual order by being bestowed the invocation of Hoo because this invocation is the most elevated of all invocations.
Divine Essence exists in the being of Sultan Bahoo
باھو در ھو گم شدہ باھوؒ نماند
نورِ باھوؒ روز و شب یاھو بخواند
Explanation: Bahoo has annihilated in Hoo to such an extent that he no longer exists. Bahoo invokes Ya Hoo یا ھو Ya Hoo یا ھو day and night converting into Divine light.
Eye of Hoo
باھوؒ از میانِ ھُو چشم می بیند خدا
درمیانِ ھُو ببین وحدت لقا
Explanation: Bahoo observes Allah through the eye of Hoo ( ھُو ). O seeker! You must also observe Allah through the eye of Hoo.
Hoo ھُو has become friend of Sultan Bahoo
باھوؒ بہ یا ھُو یار شد
>چوں بختِ من بیدار شد
باہم نشین دلدار شد
درعشقِ او پروانہ ام
Explanation: O Bahoo! The destiny has been in my favour as Hoo ( ھُو ) has become my Friend. Now I am enjoying the company of my Beloved. I am a moth burning in the fire of His ardent love (Ishq-e-Haqeeqi) and have forgotten myself.
There is no veil in front of Sultan Bahoo
نماندہ پردہ باھوؒ گشت یاھو
کہ ذکرش روز و شب یاھو گفت باھوؒ
Explanation: There remained no veil in front of Bahoo and he has become Ya Hoo یا ھو from Bahoo. He forever remains drowned in the invocation of Ya Hoo .
Whole being converts in Divine light
کسے بس ذکر گوید ھُو ہویدا
وجودش می شود زاں نور پیدا
Explanation: The person who achieves the invocation of Hoo ( ھُو ) i.e. his inward is invoking Hoo automatically all the time, the reality of Hoo reveals upon him and his whole body (physically as well as spiritually) converts into Divine light.
Extreme closeness of Hoo
اسمِ اعظم انتہائے با ھُو بود
وردِ باھوؒ روز و شب ’’یاھُو‘‘ بود
Explanation: By the invocation of Hoo ( ھُو ), which is the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam), a seeker finds the extreme closeness of Hoo. That is why, Bahoo remains busy in the invocation of ‘Hoo ھُو ’ day and night.
One having the privilege of beholding Hoo ھُوnever dies
باھوؒ ھُو برد با آور برد
ہر کہ بہ آں عین بیند کہ نمرد
Explanation: Hoo ( ھُو ) came and took Bahoo with Him, Bahoo became immortal by annihilating in Hoo. This is not strange at all because the one who has the privilege of beholding Hoo, never dies. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Eternal presence in the Mohammadan Assembly
اسمِ یاھُو گشت باھوؒ راہ بر
پیشوائے شد محمدؐ معتبر
Explanation: Ya Hoo یا ھو has become a guide and leader for Bahoo honouring him with eternal presence in the Mohammadan Assembly.
Who becomes Hoo ھُو ?
ابتدا ’’ھُو‘‘ انتہا ’’ھُو‘‘ ہر کہ با ’’ھُو‘‘ می رسد
عارفِ عرفاں شود ہر کہ با ’’ھُو‘‘ ’’ھُو‘‘ شود
Explanation: Hoo ( ھُو ) is the beginning and Hoo is the finality. Whosoever reaches ‘Hoo’, becomes Mystic (Knower of Allah who prays Allah while seeing Him). By annihilating in ‘Hoo’, he himself becomes Hoo.
Mighty Saint of the realm of Divinity
ملک و مِلک بیک ھو زدہ نا چیز کنیم
ما کہ در قلزمِ توحید نہنگ آمدہ ایم
Explanation: I have exterminated the desires of wealth and riches by just one strike of the Divine name of Hoo ( ھُو ), I am the crocodile of the ocean of Oneness (Tawhid / Tauheed). (It means he is the mighty Saint of LaHoot which is the realm of Divinity).
Sultan Bahoo remains engrossed in the invocation of Hoo ھُو
باھوؒ بہ یک نقطہ یاھو می شود
وردِ باھوؒ روز و شب یاھو بود
اسمِ ھُوسیف است باھوؒ برزبان
قتل کن ایں نفس کافر ہر زمان
Explanation: (1) Bahoo باھوؒ becomes Ya Hoo یاھُو by just an increase of an Arabic alphabetical dot (meaning there remains no difference esoterically between both after annihilating in Him and has become immortal with Him. All that remains is the exoteric veil). Hence, Bahoo forever remains engrossed in the invocation of Ya Hoo (یاھُو).
(2) Bahoo’s inward forever remains engrossed in the invocation of the Divine name Hoo ( ھُو ) which is a bare sword that is always engaged in killing the infidel innerself (nafs).
Quotes of Sultan Bahoo regarding the king of invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat
- If you want to know the secrets ofHoo ( ھُو ), eliminate everything from your inward except Allah. (Qurb-e-Deedar)
- The invocation ofHoo ( ھُو ) affects its reciter in such a way that he starts loving Hoo extremely and feels disgusted by everything other than Allah. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
- When a seeker invokes the name Hoo( ھُو ) inwardly, he likes nothing except Allah. People think he is ignorant or insane but in fact he has found Divine presence in the court of Allah Almighty. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
- When, due to the frequent invocation,Hoo ( ھُو ) dominates and overpowers the being of the reciter of Hoo, there remains nothing in him except Hoo. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
- The laws of sharia apply to this material world. Station of mysticism (tariqa) is related to the realm of angels (called alam al-malakut), station of reality (haqiqa) is related to the realm of power (alam al-jabarut), whereas, gnosis belongs to realm of Divinity (alam al-LaHoot). لَآ اِلٰہَ , اِلَّاﷲُ , اَللّٰہُ and ھُو comprehend all of them. لَآ اِلٰہَ is the invocation of material world, اِلَّا ﷲُ is the invocation of realm of angels, اَللّٰہُ is the invocation of the realm of power and ھُو is the invocation of the realm of Divinity. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Sultan Bahoo and his Punjabi quatrains on Ism e Allah Zaat
There are several Punjabi Abyat e Bahoo describing the significance of Ism e Allah Zaat an Ism e Azam.
The forever famous quatrain ‘Alif Allah Chambe Dee Bootee’
الف ﷲ چنبے دی بوٹی، میرے من وِچ مرشد لائی ھو
نفی اَثبات دا پانی مِلیس، ہر رگے ہر جائی ھو
اندر بوٹی مشک مچایا، جاں پھلاں تے آئی ھو
جیوے مرشد کامل باھُو، جیں ایہہ بوٹی لائی ھو
Explanation of first verse
In this couplet Sultan Bahoo has likened Ism e Allah Zaat with jasmine. Sultan Bahoo is the pioneer Mystic who has used the metaphor of jasmine for Ism e Allah Zaat. Its seedling when sowed into the earth, grows slowly into a plant laden with flowers whose fragrance envelops surroundings. Similar to it, when a spiritual guide bestows the seeker with contemplation and invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat he sows a seedling into the seeker’s inward and in the care of the spiritual guide the light of Ism e Allah Zaat gradually envelops the whole being of the true seeker illuminating it.
Explanation of second verse
The spiritual guide of Sultan Bahoo has revealed upon him that the reality of لَآ اِلٰہَ is negated everything within except Allah and removing all the idols from inward. He also taught him the real meaning of اِلَّا ﷲُ (only Allah) by affirming the Divine Essence within, i.e. elevated him by the recognition of Musamma (self) through Ism (name). Now this Divine secret has penetrated his whole existence. The Ism e Allah Zaat has enveloped whole of his being making him witness all its secrets and mysteries and now he wish to lay it before the entire world. However, these Divine secrets are for the special ones and not commonality.
Explanation of third verse
It has become hard to live because he is bearing the magnificent secrets and mysteries. Now wherever he turns his eyes he sees only Ism e Allah Zaat, not only physically but spiritually as well. He says that his condition resembles the Quranic verse, “Wherever you turn, you would see the Divine Face.” (Al-Baqarah-115)
Explanation of verse four
Sultan Bahoo says that may Allah bless his spiritual guide with a long life who has bestowed him Ism e Allah Zaat and has opened all its Divine secrets with his perfect spiritual attention as he is boundlessly merciful, kind and affectionate.
Obtain Ism e Allah Zaat from the perfect spiritual guide
اندر ھُو تے باہر ھُو، ایہ دَم ھُو دے نال جِلیندا ھو
ھُو دا داغ محبت والا، ہر دَم پیا سڑیندا ھو
جتھے ھُو کرے رشنائی، اوتھوں چھوڑ اندھیرا وِیندا ھو
میں قربان تنہاں توں باھُو ، جیہڑا ھُو نوں صحی کِریندا ھو
Explanation: The seeker who obtains the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat and the invocation of Hoo from the perfect spiritual guide, sees Hoo both physically and spiritually. As the beneficence of the spiritual guide unveils the secrets of Hoo. His condition complies with the Quranic verse, “Wherever you turn, you would see the Divine Face.” (Al-Baqarah-115). When the love of Hoo penetrates the inward, it burns down the love of others and all that remains is the ardent love for Allah. Only Allah! Everything other than Allah is lust. May I sacrifice myself upon the true seekers who forever remain restless and anxious to find the secrets of Hoo and ultimately obtain their destination which is Hoo ( ھُو ).
Company of the man of Divine Essence
جس الف مطالیہ کیتا، ب دا باب نہ پڑھدا ھو
چھوڑ صفاتی لدھیوس ذاتی، اوہ عامی دور چا کردا ھو
نفس امارہ کتڑا جانے، ناز نیاز نہ دھردا ھو
کیا پرواہ تنہاں نوں باھُو ، جِنہاں گھاڑو لدھا گھر دا ھو
Explanation: When the true seekers find blessings by the contemplation and the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat, they do not follow the wishes of inciting innerself (an-nafs al-ammarah). They also do not get inclined towards other kinds of knowledge, invocation of attributive names or daily recitals because they have found the Divine Essence. Thus these fortunate few do not need any kind of outward support because they find blessings by the eternal company and support of perfect spiritual guide who is the man of Divine Essence (Sahib-e-Musamma) and have also gained the ultimate blessing of the Ism e Allah Zaat.
Divine love lifts all the veils
جِنہاں شوہ الف تھِیں پایا، پھول قرآن نہ پڑھدے ھو
اوہ مارن دم محبت والا، دور ہویونے پردے ھو
دوزخ بہشت غلام تنہاندے، چا کیتونے بردے ھو
میں قربان تنہاں توں باھُو ، جیہڑے وحدت دے وِچ وڑدے ھو
Explanation: The knowledge of both the worlds is in the Quran. Moreover the Quran is in Islamic creed and Islamic creed’s crux is the Ism e Allah Zaat. Sultan Bahoo says that those who find blessings with the love of Divine Essence by the invocation of the Ism e Allah Zaat have the inspired knowledge. Now it gives them complete inward and outward knowledge of the Holy Quran. The Divine love has lifted all the physical and spiritual veils for them. The paradise and the hell have become their slaves by the grace of the Holy Lord. Sultan Bahoo said that he wish to sacrifice himself for those who have annihilated in the ocean of Oneness with Allah becoming the One.
The fragrance of Divine love cannot remain hidden
جس دِل اِسم اﷲ دا چمکے، عشق وِی کردا ہلے ھو
بو کستوری دی چھپدی ناہیں، بھانویں دے رکھیئے سے پلے ھو
انگلیں پِچھے دِینہہ ناہیں چھپدا، دریا نہ رہندے ٹھلے ھو
اسیں اوسے وِچ اوہ اساں وِچ، باھُو یاراں یار سولے ھو
Explanation: The inward which is brighter with the light of Ism e Allah Zaat finds honour with the Divine vision and is the one drowned in Divine love. Thus this love does not stay concealed in the inward but reveals itself like the unstoppable mushq meaning fragrance of the musk, light of the sun and water of the oceans. Hence these are the states of Divine love. The seeker perishes his existence by annihilating in the Divine Essence.
Divine vision only possible through Ism e Allah Zaat
دِل تے دفتر وحدت والا، دائم کریں مطالیا ھو
ساری عمراں پڑھدیاں گزری، جہلاں دے وِچ جالیا ھو
اِکّو اِسم اﷲ دا رکھیں، اپنا سبق مطالیا ھو
دوہیں جہان غلام تنہاندے باھُو ، جیں دِل اﷲ سمجھالیا ھو
Explanation: O seeker of Allah! In your inward lies the book of Oneness which you should always study. You spent all your life in ignorance despite studying books and gaining the outward knowledge. It is important to realize that you should only contemplate and invoke Ism e Allah Zaat as this is the initial and the final lesson. Both the worlds will come in your servitude if you accomplish yourself in bearing the Divine Trust which is Ism e Allah Zaat. One can achieve the closeness and vision of Divine Essence only by the invocation of the Ism e Allah Zaat.
Allah is found in inward through Invocation of Ism e Azam
سینے وِچ مقام ہے کَیندا، سانوں مرشد گَل سمجھائی ھو
اِیہو ساہ جو آوے جاوے، ہور نہیں شے کائی ھو
اِس نوں اِسم الاعظم آکھن، اِیہو سِرِّ اِلٰہی ھو
اِیہو موت حیاتی باھُو ، اِیہو بھیت اِلٰہی ھو
Explanation: The perfect spiritual guide has taught me that it is the inward where Allah is. Moreover the contemplation and the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat performed through breaths is the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam). This is the Divine secret and the secret of life and death. Thus life means the breath which invokes Ism e Allah Zaat and death is the breath which is void of invocation of the Ism e Allah Zaat. Life is the Divine vision in inward and death is its deprivation. As Hazrat Ali razi Allah anhu says, “I have the glorious Divine vision in my inward”.
Perform invocation with the passion of Divine love
ضروری نفس کتے نوں، قیما قیم کچیوے ھو
نال محبت ذِکر اﷲ دا، دم دم پیا پڑھیوے ھو
ذِکر کنوں ربّ حاصل تھیندا، ذاتوں ذات دِسیوے ھو
دوہیں جہان غلام تنہاندے باھُو ، جنہاں ذات لبھیوے ھو
Explanation: It is necessary in the path of Faqr that the dog like innerself (nafs) crumbles into bits and pieces to the extent of complete annihilation. One should perform eternal invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat with every breath with the passion of Divine love. Now without the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat, innerself never dies despite whole life’s physical prayers which will exhaust you. To find the blessing of Divine vision, the innerself (nafs) must die by the contemplation and invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat. Both the worlds come in the servitude of the one who finds the blessing with the Divine Essence.
One is fortunate who is blessed with the secret of Ism e Allah Zaat
عاشق راز ماہی دے کولوں، کدی نہ ہوون واندے ھو
نیندر حرام تنہاں تے ہوئی، جیہڑے اِسمِ ذات کماندے ھو
ہِک پل مول آرام نہ کر دے، دِینہہ رات وتن کرلاندے ھو
جنہاں الف صحی کر پڑھیا باھُو ، واہ نصیب تنہاندے ھو
Explanation: Allah’s lovers always protect His secrets. As they are in fact those who have received the knowledge of Ism e Allah Zaat and have become aware of the Divine secrets which keep them anxious and restless. They can neither sleep nor rest and request day and night before Allah with grief and pain to never keep them away from Himself because deprivation from the Divine vision is the biggest of all misfortunes in both the worlds. Moreover how fortunate are those who have found the blessing of the secret of Ism e Allah Zaat!
Death before dying
مُوْتُوْا والی موت نہ ملی، جیں وِچ عشق حیاتی ھو
موت وصال تھیسی ہک، جدوں اِسم پڑھیسی ذاتی ھو
عین دے وِچوں عین جو تھیوے، دور ہووے قرباتی ھو
ھُو دا ذِکر ہمیش سڑیندا باھُو ، دِینہاں سکھ نہ راتی ھو
Explanation: O imperfect seeker! You could not reach the level of:
مُوۡ تُوۡ ا قَبۡلَ اَنۡ تَمُوۡتُوۡا
Meaning: Death before dying.
It is due to the love of the material world. Moreover it is the fear of losing it. Whereas in this death lies the eternal life. You will achieve this death and union with Allah when the king of invocation (Sultan-ul-Azkar) Hoo ( ھُو ) invokes in your entire entity and your self annihilates in the Divine Essence and you become its exact manifestation. Furthermore this level is beyond proximity as for proximity there are needed two existences and here there is no duality but the Oneness. The invocation of Hoo keeps the lover of Allah restless, burns him in the fire of His love and neither at night nor in the day does he find relief.
Annihilation in Hoo ھُو
ھُو دا جامہ پہن کراہاں، اِسم کماون ذاتی ھو
کفر اِسلام مقام نہ منزل، ناں اوتھے موت حیاتی ھو
شہ رگ تھیں نزدیک لدھوسے، پا اندر ونے جھاتی ھو
اوہ اساں وِچ اسیں انہاں وِچ، باھو دور رہی قرباتی ھو
Explanation: This couplet mentions the extreme level of Faqr which is annihilation (fana) in Hoo . Mystics invoke Ism e Allah Zaat, Hoo. Then they annihilates in Hoo and becomes Hoo. This is the station beyond time and space. There exists no Islam or infidelity, neither is there any station or destination nor life or death. To achieve this station one does not need to go far beyond. As it is important to realize that the destination is nearer than the jugular vein. There remains no duality when one annihilates in the Divine Essence and the Divine Essence annihilates in one’s existence.
Intoxicated with Divine love
یار یگانہِ ملسی تینوں، جے سِر دی بازی لائیں ھو
عشق ﷲ وِچ ہو مستانہ، ھُو ھُو سدا الائیں ھو
نال تصور اِسم اﷲ دے، دم نوں قید لگائیں ھو
ذاتے نال جاں ذاتی رلیا، تد باھُو نام سدائیں ھو
Explanation: You will achieve your destination which is the Divine Essence when you get absorbed in Allah’s love and will sacrifice even your life for Him. Moreover if you want to reach the Divine Essence then become intoxicated in His love, whose source is to invoke Hoo ( ھُو ) with each and every breath and also to contemplate the Ism e Allah Zaat. Surely Bahoo got the name Bahoo after annihilation in the Divine Entity. (Abyat-e-Bahoo Kamil)
Tehreek Dawat e Faqr has published Abyat e Bahoo Urdu translation as well. The link to which is given below:
Mashq murqoom-e-wajudia is the practice of writing Ism e Allah Zaat ( ﷲُ Allah ka name) through meditation by the index finger on body while keeping the printed Ism e Allah Zaat in front of eyes. Sultan Bahoo describes the marvellous effects of this exercise in these words:
The practice of inscribing Allah’s name on body makes one spiritually rich and indifferent to all needs
Approaching the final, ultimate and the highest stage of all the creation and finding union with Allah is possible only by the practice of inscribing Allah’s name on body (mashq murqoom-e-wajudia). Moreover when a seeker writes the name of Allah through meditation (in a special manner) on his body, from every letter of Ism e Allah Zaat ( ﷲُ ), a theophany descends upon the seeker which takes him to the status of Hazrat Ma’aroof Karkhi. Hence, the seeker becomes spiritually rich and indifferent to all the needs. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Ism e Allah Zaat envelops the whole body
Which is the way and knowledge through which a seeker of Allah safely reaches closest to Allah without facing any evil from the Satan, troubles created by his innerself (nafs) or any unfortunate accidents of life which may distract him from his path, and he is blessed with union and Divine vision after being annihilated in Allah and immersed in the Divine light. He finds eternal union, leaves verbal discussions about Allah and remains engrossed in the pleasure of vision of the beauty of Hence, Ism e Allah Zaat( ﷲُ ) is written upon every cell of the body of the seeker. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
The status of perfect Fakir
When a seeker practises inscribing Allah’s name on body (mashq murqoom-e-wajudi) through meditation then all his body converts into Divine light and the seeker becomes pure of all his sins just as a newborn is pure of sins.
Here, the Holy Prophet blesses him with his kindness and benevolence and takes him to his sacred Family. The princess of paradise Hazrat Fatima tuz-Zahra and mothers of the true believers Hazrat Ayesha and Hazrat Khadija the great adopt him as their spiritual infant son and feed him with milk of light (Nur). He becomes the spiritual son of the sacred Family. The blessed one with the Divine presence. Further he is titled as the son possessing Divine light. Esoterically he is always present in the Mohammadan Assembly as child possessing light with Divine presence but physically he lives and interacts with the people of this world. This is the status of a perfect Fakir. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Sultan Bahoo says about the denier of Ism e Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad:
- One who forbids from Ism e Allah Zaatand its invocation is a hypocrite and infidel or jealous and arrogant. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
- The denier of Ism e Allah Zaatand Ism-e-Mohammad is the second Abu Jahl or Pharaoh. (Aqal-e-Baydar)
- One who does not believe in Ism e Allah Zaatand Ism-e-Mohammad is surely a hypocrite. Surely Ism e Allah Zaat is the most exalted name of Allah. Ism-e-Mohammad is the straight path. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Where can you get Ism e Allah Zaat?
Most of books of Sultan Bahoo are Ism e Azam books meaning they elaborate the significance of Ism e Allah Zaat and also guide the seekers of Allah where to attain it. It is clearly mentioned in Sultan Bahoo books to search for a perfect Murshid who not only has complete knowledge of Ism e Allah Zaat but is also annihilated in it. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the 31st perfect Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri order. He is the man of Divine Essence and grants Ism e Allah Zaat on the first day of the oath of allegiance of the seeker. Therefore, Tehreek Dawat e Faqr invite all seekers of Allah to take oath of allegiance and attain Ism e Allah Zaat from him. However, to know your Ism e Azam a seeker needs to seek guidance and spiritual attention of the perfect spiritual guide. Sultan ul Ashiqeen guides his disciples both inwardly and outwardly through his words of wisdom. The seekers of Allah assemble in his spiritual gatherings where he quenches their desire of gnosis (Marifa) of Allah.
Efforts of Sultan ul Ashiqeen to Spread Ism e Allah Zaat
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen guides Allah’s creation by not only writing and compiling books but also by persuading and instructing his disciples. Since Sultan Bahoo books and teachings are source of guidance for the seeker of Allah therefore, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has made countless efforts to spread them. One of his many efforts is to record kalam Sultan Bahoo (full) and put it up on Sultan Bahoo YouTube channel. This channel also has the biography of Sultan Bahoo and other video lectures about Sultan Bahoo teachings. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has also compiled many books, a lot of Sultan ul Arifeen books (pdf) versions are available to download for free on the Sultan ul Faqr publications website. The website also has many other books of Sultan ul Ashiqeen which talk about Ism e Azam benefits in Urdu and English both. Click the link given below to read or download complete books published under the umbrella of Sultan ul Faqr publications:
As mentioned before Ism e Allah Zaat is the most powerful zikr of Allah. So seeker must always remain in a state of invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat with his breaths and bow before Allah for His gnosis and vision. As Ism e Azam dua is never rejected in the court of Allah. To attain Ism e Allah Zaat from Sultan ul Ashiqeen, the perfect spiritual guide of the present era, click at the end of the page.